Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Yesterday was so warm (66 F) so I was outside a lot. Today we are at 50 F and very windy so I will work inside. This back and forth by mother nature is getting tiring. William and I have went through all 8 seed catalogs and have our orders ready. I am mailing them today and looking forward to spring planting. I have boxes and bags piled in my diningroom that I can hardly walk. Guess I should get busy and unpack and put away. I haven't unloaded my antique vanity from the van yet and I have such great plans on where to set it and what to display on it. Talked with Sharon and Wayne had a good day at school yesterday. It was his first day back after his mom's death. He seems to be handling things okay and still crying some which is good for him. While Wayne is at school they are going to go start cleaning out Waynes old house. They all have a tough road ahead. William is on his way to PA. After being home over a week. So slowly things are getting back to normal here. Had a anxious time last night with my elderly neighbor Fran but will post that story later as its strange but waiting for doctors report so I can give a good ending to the story. Everyone enjoy your weather, enjoy your garden or enjoy planning your garden, enjoy a nice cup of tea, enjoy your loved ones and most of all enjoy all the blessing of the day!

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and be that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

Isn't it pleasant to think that in all those little things He is watching over you, and that you make Him glad when you do them well?


Maggie Ann said...

Oh yes, I am 'heartfelt' thankful that he is watching over me. How I need his tender care. Sounds like you are ahead of the spring at just the right time getting your seeds ordered. Blessings to you and to those you love who are grieving. May God pour down his comfort.

Calidore said...

I'm so pleased that life is getting back to normal for you all. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family at this difficult time. I hope everything is a little easier now.

Take care



Miss Robyn said...

my heart breaks for children that lose their mum. Keeping him in my heart & prayers. hugs to you, sweet Peg