Please read this request from a mom and send a postcard to her son telling things GoGo Beans did while visiting your area.
Mom's Request:
GoGo Pork n Beans is the name my son gave to his best friend, an angry looking monkey from Target who has been since discontinued. A few weeks ago Go Go Beans (which is his nickname) was left on an airplane.After personally searching the lost and found in both Denver and Phoenix, we've determined that this monkey is kaput. I've contacted Target and they're not helpful in the slightest. I have searched ebay, posted to craigslist and searched through 87 pages of pictures of plush monkeys on No go go beans.Go Go Beans was a birthday present for my son's 1st birthday, so 2 years ago is when they made it. Cuddle Zone made it exclusively for Target.Noah now knows that Go Go Beans stayed on the plane to see the world. Our hope is that we can find Go Go Beans (or a twin) and all will be well with the world. Go Go beans is the central character of all of Noah's bedtime stories. I even mentioned him in a listing, he's that important! So the other night Noah asked if we could write him a letter. I said yes. I now bring to you, that letter that he dictated to me all by his little self (btw, his third birthday is Sept 16th)
:Dear Go Go Beans,We want to give you a birthday. (he had me draw a cake with two candles) I hope you're having fun on the airplane. I miss you and I miss you on the airplane. Plane. And I miss you on the ride of the airplane. And I love you *SO* much.Candles. Birthday Cake. Happy Birthday Go Go Beans. Clock. Email us, please. Trees. Mountains. Milk. Buttermilk and chocolate milk. Regular milk. Frog and Giraffe miss you. I miss Go Go Beans. I want you to come home soon. "Tell him that I miss you." Milk. Frog and Giraffe and now candlesticks.Love,Noah
Here's where all of you come in. We'd like Go Go Beans to write back to him saying what a great time he is having and hey look at this post card from all of these cool places I'm visiting! If anyone wants to help out, that'd be REALLY RAD! Thanks guys!-stacey
Her son's address :
Noah Gordon
2242 E. Harvard St
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Lets all send Noah a postcard full of GoGo Beans adventures!
What a neat ideal about Go Go Bean. I'll get a post card and sent it to Noah.
In my blogger today I post about your stocking exchange and hope it will generate some interest.
I'll go buy a postcard pronto and send it to Noah...what a heartwarming little story but so sad that he'll probably never see GoGoBeans again...hopefully one can be found! Don't forget to visit my blog tomorrow for my Halloween Bash! hehe
I just wrote one out and sent if from Go Go Beans to Master Noah and told Noah that I was having a grat time in savannah and that I loved and missed him a lot!! GREAT idea!! Poor little guy. I wish that we could find him another GO GO BEANS!! Sandy
Poor Noah, that's so sad that he's lost Go Go Beans. I think maybe GG B will have had an exciting trip to England among his adventures. I came here via Shadowlight's blog to see what the stocking thing is so now I'll go and look!
how cool...if i knew where to buy some postcards, i would get right on that..
Mine is addressed and ready to mail in the morning. Poor little guy.
I will make myself a note to get a postcard and send it, I think this is such a sweet (yet sad)story but a great idea to keep GoGoBeans traveling thus easing little Noah's mind. Thanks for sharing this Peggy.
Peggy, do you have a picture of Go Go Beans?
He'll be sending a postcard from Louisiana before the month is out. It looks like he's on a long journey crossing the ocean back and forth.
Oh you already have one being sent from Savannah...boohoo...I am not sure if GOGO beans would want to visit twice after being in Paris and london!
If you do not mind, I would like to link this in my next entry for more postcards from go go beans. I have small children & understand the importance of an "animal" friend to them.
p.s Go Go beans has been to our corner Ohio...
Hi! I'm Noah's mom!
We've gotten ALL of those post cards! (I WONDERED who was in France & England!!!)
Thanks to TAMI, I can't believe it.
I Cried when I first found out! Go Go Beans is coming home!
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