On Valentine's Day Sister decided to hatch one of her eggs. It was a cute little black chick with white chest properly named Valentino. Today Sister Sister not to be outdone hatched one of her eggs. Its a cute little strawberry blond chick named Sweety. They are residing in Bud's old home with a heat lamp keeping them nice and warm. They have eaten, drank and walked around their new home while the cats have sit and watched through the glass. Its like a TV for them. Its nice being able to watch the little chicks through the glass and not have to open up a door to check on them. Bud's old house is perfect!

Bud is still pouting at me for moving him to a new place without talking it over with him first. Each morning I usually talk to him and rub his back. When he is mad or pouting I can't touch him. He hisses at me and swings his tail to let me know he is still mad and to leave him alone. If I keep talking to him he turns around and stands in a corner till I go away.

This will last a few days or a few weeks. When I brought him inside at the end of summer I couldn't touch him for 3 weeks! A iguana with a attitude fits right in around here.
Valentino and Sweety are cute. I hope Bud forgives you soon.
of course, it is nearly spring time there! oooh cannot wait to see all the babies :)
Ooooh, babies! Now we need some *daylight* pictures, hint, hint! LOL! I hope Bud soon realizes that his new digs are indeed bigger and better...
Poor Bud!! Guess attitude is his problem!! He just needs to get over it..Right?? New babies..Oh how sweet! the names are really nice too. Do you ever think that you are going to RUN out of names? Sandy
Lol only you, Peggy, would have an iguana with an attitude! hehe
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