But today I get to tell my story. My name is Sheba and I am a rescue dog.
I was sitting in a county animal shelter in the mountains of NC. I only had a couple more days before I would be put to sleep if no one adopted me. I don't think I would have woke up from that kind of sleep. This lady and her little boy and little girl were there looking for a dog. Their dog was lost and they had searched for weeks and still couldn't find it. The little kids really missed their dog and their mom thought another pet might cheer them up. They looked at all the dogs there and even petted me several times before they made up their mind. I was so happy when the little girl told me I would be going home with her! She named me Sheba and I got to sleep in her room. She would dress me up in doll clothes ( I was smaller then) and I would just sit and let her brush my hair and put hair bows in everywhere. I was just happy someone loved me. Months went by and then one day the family got a call that their first dog had been found. They were so excited and brought Jake back home. Jake and I got along fine but whenever I was put outside during the day while everyone was at school and work I started acting out. I would kill the chickens and chase the goats and pig. I would nip at the horses feet and get into big trouble. When I started going to the neighbors and getting into trouble there the family decided I needed a new home. The lady of the house called her mom and ask if I could come stay with her at least for a few weeks till they decided what to do. Well this lady who would become my mom came and picked me up and brought me home. I love it here! I get into trouble sometimes though but mom still loves me. Its just hard not to kill a chicken especially if they fly into our dog lot! If I get to go out of the dog lot I have to be on a leash so I won't chase the cats or go after the neighbors chickens. I try hard not to chase the animals but I just can't resist. Mom told her daughter that she would let me live here and that is good. That means I can still play with the little girl and little boy when they come to visit mom and I get to stay here in my home forever. Lady and I sometimes have arguments but mom settles them right away and we both get into trouble. Most of the time though I am really really good. I love the meat flavored dog biscuits better than the peanut butter ones. I love it when we get some of the bread when they feed the chickens. Today we got to go on a really long walk. We even got to play in the creek and get wet! Tomorrow mom says we are getting baths and haircuts but I think I will like that too. I try to be nice to mom even when she gives me shots or medicine. I know she is trying to take care of me. Mom says I am getting old because the hair on my face is turning white and I am not as active as I use to be. She says thats OK though cause she is old too. I love having Lady and Tramp to play and I think mom loves having me around too. When she tells me good night each evening she gives me a scratch on the head and tells me I am a good girl. Hidden Haven is my home now and forever.
Another very lucky animal who has found a home with you!! I have a Sheba living next door to me...she's a purebred German Shepard and the chipmunks drive her crazy! lol xox
Sweet sweet story!! I love these stories!! Keep them coming!! I look forward to them always. i still remember the one about the little kitten sitting beside the animal that passed away and he stayed there until he died. My how sweet..Peggy....take care.
What a neat story about Sheba! We have not been able to break one of our dogs from killing chickens, either. I feel badly that she has to be tied all day, but after the turkeys are in for the night we let her roam until bedtime. This morning we caught her trying to dig a hole into the turkey pen.
Yippee for Hidden Haven!! You have rescued a sweetheart. It is so wonderful that you take each animal with it's personality and you try to understand them. I think you might be the Dr. Dolittle of modern times my friend.
Take care,
Dear Peggy,
The world is blessed to have someone like you who has such a big heart to take in and care for so many animals. I love stories like yours with happy animals for these dogs.
I just love your dog stories- I went back to read Tramp's story. We had a little part Beagle, & she was just such a feisty little dog. We rescued a working sheep dog who was going to be shot, & she was such a loyal wonderful gentle dog.
I wish we lived where we could have more, as I just love dogs.
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