Don't you just love knowing its Friday! The start of a weekend. The time you feel like you can relax and do nothing or do all the fun projects you have been wanting to do all week. I don't work a public job but I still look forward to weekends as my down time though I still do the routine things I do during the week. Crazy aren't I? Pea posted a picture of a vintage powder box she has and it made me want to get mine out and take pictures of them. I started collecting them about 3 years ago when I found the first one at a thrift store for 10cents.

I wish I had the ones my mother and grandmothers had sitting on their dressers when I was growing up. I always liked going into my mothers bedroom after my bath and taking the the powder puff out of the box and fluffing my body with powder. I know I wasted alot just so I could see how white I could make my body. Wonder why we stopped using bath powders?

If you don't have your sound on then you are missing a nice little Irish lullaby. I use to sing this to my daughter Maggie. She was my first baby and I was very young and scared. I would sit and rock her while asking her to be patient and understanding till I got the hang of being a mom. Then I would sing this lullaby to her. The first time I ever left her with anyone my husband and I went to the movies and my sister was visiting. We came home and Maggie was crying. My sister said she had cried all evening and wouldn't go to sleep. I took her in my arms and started singing to her and she stopped crying. My sister gave me a mean sister look and said you never told me I had to sing! So this lullaby is for St. Patricks Day and for memories of Maggie who is now 35 as a baby and of my sister who I am sure is looking down and giving me one of her mean sister looks right now!
What a sweet post!! I love listening to the lullaby. I remember this one really well too. Only mothers can calm their wee ones!! How wonderful!! Have a great weekend. Sandy
What a great post, Peggy. I love the powder boxes. I rememeber seeing them on my Mom's and My Grandma's dressers as well. I couldn't hear any music today, but what a sweet story.
What a great post, Peggy. I love the powder boxes. I rememeber seeing them on my Mom's and My Grandma's dressers as well. I couldn't hear any music today, but what a sweet story.
Peggy, I love your powder boxes. My mother kept one on her old dresser and powdered herself after her bath. She always smelled so sweet and fresh all the time. Great memories!
I love the Irish Lullaby too. It is so haunting and sad yet soothing at the same time!
Have a great weekend.
Oh how I love your powder you, I also remember going into my mom's bedroom and using the puff to powder myself all over until I looked like a ghost! lol As for the song..what a beautiful lullaby it is! I can just picture you singing it to your niece all those years ago:-) xoxo
The green powder box do you know what area it came from?
I got one of my grandparents wedding dishes which came from my grandfathers sister and they where married in about 1915.
Loved this post, & yesterday's as well.
It seems so odd to think we are here, really looking forward to Autumn's arrival!
I used to sing to my babies- but only when out of earshot of others! LOL.
Love the powder boxes and the Irish lullaby!! Enjoy your weekend!
I still like to use lots of baby powder after my bath. . .does that count? Gee am I some kind of "girly-man"? Never thought of myself as such. I recently heard women found the smell of baby powder as an aphrodisiac. . . maybe there is reason in my madness!
My mother, too had a powder pot on her dresser.
Love the powder container and your lullaby music!
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