Meanwhile Killer was happy back on her eggs
Meanwhile John Henry the rooster got too close to Ethel, Fred the turkey's girlfriend which caused a big fight. Fred's chest feathers were just starting to come back from the last fight but at least this time Fred won. Don't think John Henry will be messing with Fred anymore.Dolly's babies are already running around. One was enjoying the sunshine with its mom.If you want a good laugh or a good prank to pull on your hubby you need to pop over to Perri's and see what she was up to!
I know I posted a link to Notes from a Cottage Industry yesterday but she has a awesome ideal for your guestroom. A way to personalize for each person.
Kansas Milkmaid amazes me everytime I stop by. This lady does it all!
Rosa found a awesome magazine and it has some of our blog neighbors in it! Rosa is also redoing her kitchen. I am waiting to see how it goes and how long it takes before I finally break down and let Wayne start on mine. Thank goodness she is sharing each step so I can be prepared.
Hope everyone is having a blessed day!
I missed you. Thought you were off line because you were feeling badly. Hope you feel better now.
Your mysterious computer behaviour. . . .enough to make you believe in a "deus ex machina". Spooky!
Hi Peggy, I loved reading your story.Juliet is smart...that is the way to cool off when hot.... when your feet are cool , your body is cool. Why does Snow White want to sit on eggs that are not hers??? Poor thing..give her some plastic eggs.I hope you are staying cool and enjoying your porch. Baba
You are like a little referee for those guys. I think you need a whistle to call foul or would that be
Hey check out this fun word game.
Oh the goings on at the Homestead....I'd be grouchy too...although for some reason I cannot imagine you grumpy!
I hope you get some time to rest and get rid of that cold before it gets worse!
Sending you some hot tea with love and hugs,
That brought back to mind the phrase "madder than a wet hen" but she wasn't wet!! Love the name of all your animals.
Too bad about your keyboard. I hate it when the computer is messed up. What a pain!
Grouchy is just a phase! That's what I tell my husband anyway. I did notice you were missing yesterday but figured you had a good reason.
Hi peggy. i just love all your animals names Snow white , killer . john henry, ethel.. now going to read what ive missed
Hi there!! I LOVE your blog header!! And your cursor that turns into a little animal is adorable!!
Mrs. U
well glad you back up and running..
those chickens are a riot...
Oh my goodness Peggy, what a great pictoria you've got going today - and it totally matches your music!
Oh your bunnies are too cute. I love the chicken stories too. You make me wish I lived in the country.
Sounds like the gremlins were really having a field day with your computer, etc. I wonder if they managed to pay your phone bill while they were there?
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