Wednesday, September 12, 2007

But I really did think you found that bird nest for me to play with... honest!

We got rain! Today it was only 83F and cloudy. Late this afternoon it started raining. It started raining after I had hung up welcome home signs for my neighbor Fran. She has been gone a couple of months visiting her daughter in New Mexico. I made signs and hung them on her mailbox, front gate and by her front door. Even tied balloons next to the signs. Came home and what do I hear but rain falling on my tin roof. Her signs may be wet but they still let her know she is loved and was missed. The rain has cooled things down so nicely. No air condition running at all today. The doors and windows open to let the fresh cool air and the lovely sounds of the animals in. Its suppose to get down in the 60's tonight so I hooked up Bud's heat lamp. He doesn't like cool weather at all but loves being outside. It won't be long till I will be moving him back inside for the winter. He will pout at me for a couple of weeks for bringing him inside. Fall is just around the corner. I am going to get out the fall decorations tomorrow. I just love decorating each season. Hopefully the cats will leave things alone.

Rosa ask a few weeks ago for my french potato salad recipe. Its a very simple but very tasty recipe and perfect for this time of year.

French Potato Salad

Boil 6 red potatoes till done but still firm. Drain and either slice or quarter potatoes. (however you like) Salt and pepper to taste. I use sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Dice 3 green onions, 5 basil leaves, and 5 rosemary. Add this to the potatoes. Add 4 tablespoons (more if you want) of balsamic and basil vinaigrette salad dressing. Mix well and serve warm. I take this whenever I have to have a covered dish somewhere. I always have to give the recipe and there is never any left over to bring home.


peppylady (Dora) said...

When I first say the Kitty picture I thought he some how was cut in half and I looked again and saw no blood. Then I saw the dirt on the ground.

I like the little writing that Rhonda did and yes I'll get in out there.
I'll even see if I could read it at church for inspiration but I have to get up the nerve.

DonnaB said...

What a naughty kitty! How sweet of you to do that for your neighbor.

Miss Robyn said...

oh you must be the best neighbour!
I am off being a bikie this weekend.. see you when I come home.. I am going now to catch up with what has been happening at Hidden Haven over the past few moon days xo

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I only wish it were that cool here since last night our A/C decided to quit working!! Would be great for us since getting it fixed is near to impossible!! I love that picture of your cat!! like he has no idea what he done...Have a great day Peggy..

Terri Steffes said...

The recipe sounds wonderful! I will take it this weekend to my tailgate!

Doesn't your cat have the best expression on her face: What, me?

Patti said...

Dont ya just love kitties? I sure do!!!

Carole Burant said...

LOL look at that innocent kitty face!!! What a wonderful neighbour you are, putting up those welcome signs and balloons for Fran, I've no doubt she was completely thrilled:-) And you finally got rain...woohoo!!! It's cool here these days, it doesn't go much higher than 62 in the daytime and down in the high 30's at that's Autumn weather:-) Can't wait to see pictures of your Autumn decorations!! xox

Rosa said...

Oh, thank you Peggy! I'm going to print it out right now!! I love the kitty picture. How I know that face, all too well!! xoxo

Jeanette said...

Hi Peggy, Kitty has guilt written all over its face, And Im going to use your salad recipe soon as we fire up the bBQ, sounds so yummy

Anonymous said...

This sounds really yummy!What brand is the Balsamic-Basil Vinagrette? I am sure I would have bought this if I had seen it before, I am CRAZY about Basil!