Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday's Favorites

Time to share my favorites. I just love sharing blogs, posts, sites that I really enjoy and think others would too. Hope you find something you like today's list.

The first one I hope all of you take a minute to visit and say a prayer. Patricia is a awesome lady dealing with a lot of things in her life right now. She like me believes in the power of prayer. Let's do our part.

This post made me laugh but still want to try my hand at a rag rug. Just wonder if I could finish it for Christmas. Melanie thanks for sharing while making me laugh.

When you have gone out somewhere to eat have you ever wished you could have the recipe for that awesome dish? Well just do a little search here and you most likely will be in the kitchen later.

Lehman's is one of my favorite catalogs. Now they have a blog!

This is a MUST read! A true love story that will make you cry and then make you smile. Go on now... what ya waiting on? You gotta read it!

And my final favorite for the week. Well since its the weekend and you might have some free time on your hands and want to go thriftstoring. This site will give you the name and address of every thriftstore in the town you type in.

Have a great weekend and if you find some awesome treasures while thriftstoring let me know.


Melanie Rimmer said...

Thanks for the link. I'm glad I made you laugh, and especially glad if I inspired you to make your own rag rug. You should do it - I've read back through some of your posts and I can tell that you're not afraid of delayed gratification. Some things just take time and that's how it is, but great rewards come if you're patient.

Heather said...

I love your Friday Favorites - thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I just might go treasure hunting this weekend...Sounds fun.

Take care,