I feed alot of animals. The animals I feed are safe and normal, well most of the time but my brother well he feeds bears. Big black bears! He buys 62 lbs of dry dog food each week and when he arrives at work the first thing he does is feed 7 bears. He has fed them so long they know the sound of his vehicle and come running. He doesn't try to get near them, pet them, etc. There is a hunting club on the other side of the mountain and he is trying to keep the bears from going over the mountain till after hunting season. The bear goes over the mountain... now I have that song in my head! LOL Anyway back to my brother Don. I like that he keeps us supplied in venison but he says there will be no bear meat in our freezer. Good thing he has a really good job so he can afford to feed the bears. Now that has the song "feed the birds" going through my head. If you are ever in the western mountains of NC and want to see live bears just buy a bag of dogfood and call my brother. He will give you a front row seat.
That's very interesting...how'd your brother get started in feeding bears?
wow! we don't have bears here in Australia. Is bear meat usually eaten?
The bears are lovely and look well fed.
Bear meat is like pork. Few people around here hunt or eat bears. They are hunted by American hunters, who missed the opportunity to follow your brother around, an make the long trek north the to hunt the B'ar! LOL
A bear when it is skinned out and hanging looks a lot like a man. This seems to discourage the locals from harvesting bears.
I love the pics of the bears. I've never seen one in the wild. I often hike where there are bears, but one has never shown itself to me. I guess I am a loud hiker!
Can he come over and get the one that keeps hanging around here and gets in our garbage??? lol I've never had bear meat and I have no interest in knowing what it tastes like...glad to hear your brother doesn't hunt them, just feeds them:-) xox
I LOVE your brother!!!!
Oh my gosh! And the game warden doesn't get on to your bro for this? Ours would have a fit-- but we don't have bears. LOL.
Oh wow, I want to come and see the bears. That is so neat. Have you gone down to watch?
Be careful around the bears.
Love you
You are beary special to me!
Good for your brother! We would do the same if we had them around, but all we have around here are racoons, lots and lots of racoons. Thanks for sharing the great pictures.
Yikes!!! The first time I've been over here in a while and there is a black bear runnin' towards me...lol!!
I would be scared to death!!
You have a great day!
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