Sunday, September 30, 2007

Is It Over Yet?

This is one of those days you can't wait to be over. Nitro being the buck he is and being that its fall he is in full rutting form. I have played musical goats all day. First I put Sammi and the boys in the pasture with Nitro and Diva in the pen. Nitro was bending the fence and posts trying to get to Sammi. I move Sammi back in the pen and Nitro in the pasture. Nitro goes through the electric fence so I move Sammi to the chicken pen and all the other goats back in the pen. This evening I moved Sammi back and locked her in her stall. Nitro is in the next stall crying because he can't be with her. We are almost positive she is already bred and Nitro doesn't try to mount her. He just chases her and when he gets her he just rubs heads with her and cries. So Sammi is taking a well deserved rest. Diva (we know Nitro got her) is sleeping with her boys. Nitro is going to have a long night. After getting the goats settled I am dealing with one mad iguana. With the cool nights we have been having I decided to bring Bud inside. He tried his best to smack me with his tail, to bite and to get out of my hands but he is safely in his indoor house. He will pout and not let me touch him for a couple of weeks but then be just fine. His cage is right beside the dining room window so he can look outside all the time and he is much warmer at night than he was outside. My day was spent making animals mad at me.. How was your day?


Kristie said...

Listen here all you animals. Be good and go to sleep for mommy! :o)

Rosa said...

All well-loved animals get mad. They don't know how lucky they are!! I can picture your running about and I have to giggle. Sorry. xoxo

FarmHouse Style said...

Oh those testy animals. Sometimes you have to wonder why you love them so. My rooster has flogged me a few times and on those days I seriously consider making Chicken Soup!
OK, I'm hooked, your soaps and lotion have won my heart:) Thanks again for the gift.

meggie said...

Peggy, you deserve a reward for your patience & care! Those animals don't know how blessed they are!

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

That is certainly one love sick lustful buck. Seems he doesn't like to be told, "The job is over you are laid off!"

Rosie's Whimsy said...

I love reading your blog.....even with the trials and tribulations of dealing with all your animals, your corner of this world sounds like Eden to me :<)


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Yes I completely understand..I have two cats that are mad at me too..One that i have to give medication too and it is not fun because i am so hoping NOT to get bit!! The other one that USED to be my friend now for some reason is scared to death of me..i think she thinks i am going to give her medicine too!! What fun pets!! Sandy

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy thanks for stopping by my blog. I can see that you have been very busy as well. I love the pictures of your animals~~~they are so cute! Makes me want to get more~~~hubby won't allow that though. I alos love how you have vhanged my curser to a goat on your page~~~too cute. Hope your animals give you an easier week, take care and stop by again.
