Thursday, September 13, 2007

Worked on some of my fall scented soaps today and also restocking my other soaps. Got one more day of making soap and I should be caught up for awhile. I also made a chocolate soap! Smells so good I want to eat it.
Went out to feed and water this morning and found 2 of the teen rabbits out of their pen. I figured they had finally dug their hole so deep they got out. I checked everywhere and cannot find where they got out. Their hole hasn't been dug to the outside of the pen. There are no holes anywhere around the wire or on the outside of the pen. The funny thing is one of the rabbits is trying to figure how to get back in. The other went to the chicken pen and is content living a chicken's life. I will put him back in tomorrow along with the other one. Just didn't have time to catch them today.
I am late wishing 3 very special grandchildren happy birthday. Gabby, Quintin and Justin though I gave you birthday wishes on the phone on your birthday I didn't post a birthday wish. So here is a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love you all and can't wait for you to come visit over Christmas break. PopPop and I feel old when you have birthday's so don't grow up too fast okay!
It has been a humid day here but I was determined to leave the AC off. Got kinda warm making soap but I would take breaks and sit on the porch. Tonight is suppose to be cool and tomorrow calls for cool weather and rain! Think I will take a shower and finish up in the kitchen. Hope your day was over flowing with blessings.


Rosa said...

Oh my, chocolate soap? How decadent!!! Who would want to get out of a bath with that??? Yum!!

Carole Burant said...

Chocolate soap?? Omigosh, you're my HERO!!!! lol That's when you wouldn't mind being a kid and having your mother say she'll wash your mouth out with soap if you swear! hehe Too funny about those two rabbits...wish they could talk and tell you how they got out!! Happy belated Birthday to your 3 grandkids:-) xox

eyes_only4him said...

hmmm..choclate we are talking Peggy.

Jeanette said...

Hi Peggy, Wow Chocolate soap,the kids will love it.

Paula said...

Chocolate soap? That would be a long shower!! Glad to know you're toughing out the hot weather. We have a portable air conditioner and use it periodically. Rain always helps, doesn't it?

Alice said...

You must be the cleanest person in all of America with all that

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Does the chocolate soap leave you smelling like chocoate??? Has possibilities for attacting a chocolate loving mate.

It seems it has taken a hurricane on the Texas coast to get you some rain. Enjoy!

JoyceAnn said...

Hi Peggy , Chocolate soap , sounds delicious. I received my soaps last Wed. , the Ms. Diva soap is devine , I love it ! It smells so clean and refreshing , my younger daughter wants me to order her some. So I will be placing another order soon.
Praying we get that rain today !!