Friday, October 26, 2007

This and That

Kathleen is having a ornament exchange. I took part last year and had such fun. I am joining in again this year. If you think you might want to take part pop on over to her blog and get the info.

We have rain! We have had a few showers Wednesday and Thursday but last night and today we have had steady rain. It sounds so good I didn't even mind milking and feeding in the rain. The ducks and geese are having a ball playing in the mud puddles. The goats on the other hand are staying in their stalls so they don't get wet. They do not like getting wet at all.

I made Fran's scrapbook with her cards. She has 36 right now and when I took her book over to her today she was sitting on her porch watching for the mailman. She had her raincoat and umbrella all ready. Its great how getting cards in the mail has put such a sparkle in her eye and more pep in her step. Thanks again to each of you. You really made her day.

Bud, the iguana has gotten lazy on me. He usually goes down his tree and uses the bathroom in the bottom corner of his house. The other day he was laying on his heating pad and watching me fill his food bowl. He seemed to just look and smile at me and then pooped on his pad. He then got up and moved over waiting on me to clean it up. I put a clean cover on his pad and he then walked back over and laid down. He did this again today. He seems to just smile at me as if to say I know you will clean it up and I don't have to climb down the tree. Think he has me trained.

He is in heaven with his heating pad and heat lamp and doesn't want to leave long enough to potty.

Mommy Kitty and Baby Kitty have decided my stack of picnic baskets is the perfect place to take naps or just rest. I finally put a towel down so it would be softer for them. I already have a small blanket on the organ for baby kitty as she likes to sleep on the keys. They pick strange places to rest.

Its suppose to be in the 40's at night this weekend. I am looking forward to having a small fire in the evenings to knock the chill off. That means I can keep the kettle warming on top of the wood stove for cups of tea and hot chocolate. I just love cool and cold weather!

Hope each of you have a wonderful weekend. Don't forget to count your blessings no matter how small.


DonnaB said...

I'm so glad to hear that you got some much needed rain!

Carole Burant said...

Having the kettle warming on top of the wood stove for cups of tea and hot chocolate sounds soooo welcoming! We had a really heavy frost this morning...when I first woke up and looked outside I thought it had snowed, everything was white. I'm still giggling at Bud's antics, that is too funny. Imagine, an iguana with an attitude! hehe That picture of the kitties in the picnic basket is just adorable!! Thank you again for my birthday parcel sis, I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face since it arrived:-) xoxo

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Seems you drought is over at last!
What a relief. It will take a lot of rain to fill the reservoirs.

The cool weather is nice. I have had my stove going all last night as it was -6C overnight, but quite warm and bright today.

Mary said...

The fire sounds great. Wish I had a stove or fireplace. There's nothing I like better.

Enjoyed my visit, as always. Have a safe and happy weekend.

Lib said...

Nothing like a warm cozy fire sipping a cup a :o)
Thank you for your kind words.
So many times we tend to over look the smallest Blessins', and they can be Great also.
Have a Great weekend.

Miss Robyn said...

I love that vision of Fran sitting waiting for mail... hope her card from me arrives soon... let me know when it does and I will send her another every few weeks. It would be a let down if she got all this mail then it stopped abruptly

Miss Robyn said...

oh and ps - enjoy the rain, the cooler weather and the hot chocolate!

meggie said...

At the moment here, in our early spring, it is in the 30's centigrade. It is a frightening thought that it will get much hotter, & I am so dreading it. To the point where we are contemplating a move to cooler climes...even Gom is suffering.

Terri Steffes said...

Did you get my money for the soaps? I tell you, Paypal and I don't always get along!