Another year has come and gone and I am still wondering how it went by so fast. All the things I wanted to do in 2007 seemed not to get done. At least I won't have to make any new resolutions. I can just keep the ones from last year. This past year has brought deaths, births, marriages, divorces, graduations, first days of school, happiness and sadness to our family. Through all the ups and downs I was very blessed. I am kinda afraid of what 2008 will bring but I am also excited to start a new year and discover all the adventures waiting for me. I am hoping 2008 will see our family intact at the end. I think we have had enough deaths in our family that we can skip that in the new year. Whatever God has planned for me I hope I face it with a smile, strength and remember to count it as a blessing. May all your adventures in 2008 be ones faced with a smile and may you have many blessings!
Wishing you the best in up coming New Year
Hi Peggy,
I hope 2008 brings ya'll the Best yr. ever!
Blessins', Lib
I was reading the past couple of posts and catching up. I do hope Ms. Fran is doing well. Sounds like the goats are "enjoying themselves!" They probably are and you'll have more little goats running around!!
So sweet of you to keep the chickens dry!! LOL
I agree that 2007 has flown by. I also wanted to get some things done that I haven't. I hope to do better this year. Happy New Year to you and your family and all the critters!!!
PEGGY, everything will be okay and if NOT WELL we just face it and know that God is still in control and we will be okay!! Have faith and trust.
Happy New Year to you.
"It doesn't matter where you go in life.
What you do.
Or how much you have.
It's who you have beside you."
Happy New Year my precious friend.
Much love and many blessings
Love Jeanne
Happy New Year, may it be a year full of blessings and may you prosper in all you do!
Happy New Year dear Peggy - may we always have only GOOD news this year!
Love,hugs and joy,
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