More Bunnies
We had a bunny running free around the homestead. She didn't like being in a pen and would come up to us at feeding time to eat then go under my soap shop to sleep. A few days ago our hired hand caught her and put her back in the pen. What we didn't know is the neighbors rabbit that comes down to visit each day was a male and there were baby bunnies under my soap shop. Baby Kitty found the first baby bunny and sat with it keeping it from going back under the shop until we saw and picked it up. We brought it inside and I gave it a bottle. A few minutes later and Baby Kitty was sitting with another. This happened 8 times. We now have eight beautiful baby bunnies. The babies were coming out because they were hungry. Momma bunny since being in the pen and not nursing no longer had any milk for them. They took a bottle for a couple of days but now don't want it and are busy eating rabbit food, apples, carrots, hay and drinking lots of water. These are the cutest we have had here at the homestead. The colors are so different.

HOw sweet that baby kitten found the bunnies without anyone else knowing that they were there!! That is so cute!!
Merry Christmas to you and your household...Hug those bunnies for me...
A Basket full of Baby Bunnies! That is so cute!
I really like the little tan colored one with the dark ears!
Oh how sweet, and to think the kitten being Motherly :o)
They are Beautifuk bunnies.
Blessins', Lib
Oh, how cute they are!! Usually when cats find bunnies it is a sad thing for the bunny! I'm so glad this had a happier ending and those bunnies are doing so well. They are so adorable in that basket!!
Does your cat leave bunnies alone? I am glad you found them!!
Awww, Bunnies! I just finished watching the rabbit episode of "Father Ted". Highly recommended.
I sent you an email about the does...thanks for asking about them.
How precious! I love the bunnies, and adore the cat for being such a caregiver!
There no rest down on the farm.
Someone always working or playing.
Such a cute pic with the kitty watching over the bunnies!
Peggy , Glad the young kitty found those baby bunnies. They're cuties. I'm looking for a bunny , if you get rid of these. I started composting this year and read that bunny droppings are the best fertilizer. So please let me know.
Love your decorations and I'm so happy to hear that Ms. Fran is home and doing well. Give her a big ole Christmas Hug for me.
Merry Christmas !!
Love , JoyceAnn
What a lovely early Christmas gift.
Wouldn't it be nice if Fran could have one to share her room with her!
Is you cat feeling protective or is it scoping out a future meal?
sweet, sweet, smart baby kitty...thank goodness for her interest in the bunnies...they are all so precious...I'm thinking at least one of them should be named...kitty-kat! Hmmmmm...after all she rescued by one...they are all so cute...Enjoy them!
What a lovely little Christmas story!
How sweet those rabbits are. Poor little mother must have fretted not to be able to get to her little babies. How sweet is Baby Kitty.
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