William and I went over this morning and helped Fran get out of bed and into her chair. While there We did some physical therapy on her legs and arms. William had her standing on her own weight with a little support from him. We worked with her for at least 30 minutes. Her granddaughter spent the day with her and she exercised Fran's hand. When we went back this evening to help her back to bed she was very tired. She was afraid we were there to do more physical therapy and wasn't too happy. Once I told her we weren't she was ready to put that smile back on her face for a picture. She is wanting me to keep a photo record of her so she can look back and see how far she has come. I think she will be walking with a walker in a few weeks. Last week she couldn't even feel her left leg and now she can bend her knee and put her foot on the floor with no help. All the prayers have really helped and meant a lot to her. Thanks everyone!
She is so precious. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. Give her a big hug from me!!!
Sure glad Ms Fran has kind heart people as you and William around her.
Hi Peggy,
How Bessed ya'll are to have each other. My thoughts and prayers are with ya'll.
She is so lucky and blessed to have you!
And you her!
How precious she is!
Thanks to sweeties like you. Glad to find someoe else that has a heart. She is a doll.
Hi Peggy,
I'm so glad you and William are there to help Ms. Fran. Bless you both. I'm still praying for the Lord to give her strength.
What a truly good soul you are Peggy!
Fran is blessed indeed, to have you for friends.
She is in my thoughts.
Fran looks like one of Santa's helper (retired). It sounds like she is foreward thinking. Great! I hope she is thinking of the summer and walking to the post box for her mail from her fans.
I am sure your time together is an enriching experience all round.
Tell Ms Fran she looks beautiful!
I hope 2008 brings her better health.
I miss you Peggy! I got your card and it made me smile.
I want to come down for a weekend soon.
I pray for Ms. Fran every night!! i am so happy to see her looking good. PT is really hard on you when you are younger. I know it must be awfully hard on Ms. Fran.
Tell her I am praying for her. Sandy
So glad she is doing better. I think she is a very pretty lady. And I can't wait to see the baby goats.
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