With the high today being 75F I guess this is the only kind of snowman we are going to have around here. We do have rain though so of course there was no work being done on the fence or shelter for the new goats. Its suppose to rain all day tomorrow too. We did get Diva's boys tattooed. I was going to take pictures but I ended up having to hold them while William tattooed. Needless to say both the boys and William had green ink on them. The boys look funny with green spots on their ears and head. But now they are ready to be put up for sale. I agreed that we would list them for sale and if no one purchased them it was meant for me to keep them. Its really better if they do find a new home as Diva and Sammi will be kidding in a couple of months and two of the new goats we are getting are due to kid in March. I am sure some (I hope not all) will be bucks and we just can't have a lot of bucks here on our small farm. But we shall see what happens in the next couple of months.
We went thriftstoring today. First store we got 2 nice big wooden shelves, a plate, 8 baskets, picnic basket, pair of shoes, levi jeans, 5 solid wood flower bed fencing, 2 new board games, flashlight, and 2 picture frames for $17.08. We went to another thriftstore where the white, tan and blue tags were 50% off and red tags were 25% off. We got refrigerated cooler for William's truck, wooden growing chart with picture frames, 14 flower boxes, vintage glass mix and pour bowl, a big bag of army men, tanks, planes, trucks, etc, banana stand, key board for my computer, tent cover, and a basket for $21.52. William loves thriftstoring even more than I do.
Ms. Fran got to sit out on the porch today and enjoy the warm weather. William did some physical therapy on her legs while I changed her bed. She had lots of visitors today so hopefully she will be tired and rest good tonight. She is worried she won't ever walk again but I think she will. Right now the hard part is finding something she wants to eat. She says nothing tastes good.
I delivered a big soap order today and have another one to deliver Monday so tomorrow will find me in the soap shop. I also need to revamp my etsy shop for the new year with my new spring scents. I also have to pour candles as several people have stopped by and I am completely out.
Hope each of your are having a good weekend. Don't forget to count your blessings! My friend Patricia got what I ask Santa for ( a positive on her test). Please keep her in your prayers that she will have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. She has gone through a lot and I can't think of anyone that would make a better mom. That baby will be very blessed.
Sounds like a great rainy day. Makes me wanna get out and thrift because I sure am not wanting to face to return crew in town.
Hi Peggy,
Wow, you and William done good!! Lots of stuff at a cheap price...that's what I'm talkin' about!! :) Dave also loves junkin' even better than me. He stops at places on his way home from work, finds something he thinks we might use and takes a picture with his cell phone, then sends it to my computer for my approval!! lol
We have been getting some much needed rain here this past week but today was sunny and nice. I think we have some cold headed our way next. Still no snow. Now maybe a mix. You never know.
I'm glad Ms. Fran got outside for a while. Maybe some fresh air will do her good. I hope she doesn't give up on the walking. Sometimes it's all about determination don't you think?
I've got to get to bed now. It is after 1 o'clock in the morning!!
Peggy, I am waay behind in commenting and I didn't even get Ms Frans card out.. this silly virus has left me really tired.
I just wanted to pop by and wish you a wonderful NYE and a blessed and peaceful 2008 xox
ps - to celebrate my 50th, I have a faery party online, starting on January 1.. would love you to join in if you wish to... details are on my blog xo
We too had a wet christmas instead of a white one. It sounds as if you all have your hands full trying to take care of Miss Fran. May God bless each and every one of your for the caring and love you give to her. So many older people are just shuttled out the door and left to finish out their lives alone.
Sounds as if you got some real good bargains thrift storing. That is one of my favorite things to do. It amazes me the things that people throw out. That's ok though, what they get rid of is my treasure when I find it.
Have a wonderful New Year!
Peggy - sounds like you guys made a haul at the thrift store. Days like that make it all worthwhile!
I tagged you on my blog - so start thinking crazy thoughts and come check it out.
Hi Peggy! It sounds like you found some very good bargains! I love thrift store shopping too! I am so glad to hear that Ms. Fran is doing better, she is still in my thoughts and prayers, Have a wonderful weekend!
75F??? I'm obviously living in the wrong part of the world! lol It's 21F here right now and we got another dumping of snow the night before...now it's snowing again! Wow, you and William really did good with the thrifting...imagine a man loving to go thrift shopping! Those are a rare breed ya know! lol Glad to hear that Ms Fran is getting better every day, she certainly is getting some tender loving care:-) Thank you sis for being YOU!! xox
Peggy, we do not have those wonderful thrift stores here I wish that we did but then again maybe not!! I already have little things that someday i will have to get rid of!! We are to have rain too today!! It rained a little bit last night when we were getting out of church!
I hate to see you have to sell your boys but I can understand it would be better that way for sure.
Have a wonderful warmer Sunday..
Hi Peggy,
We Love Junkin too. Haven't been in a couple wks. I'm trying ti see If I can go 1 mon. without spending ,unless its needful groceries etc.
So glad Ms. Fran got to set out .I hope and pray she walks soon. Ya'll are so Blessed to have each other.
Have a Great day.
Blessins', Lib
Love you my sweet friend.
Happy New Year!
Praise God for the rain after your long drought! What a great Christmas gift! We have snow but we made it to NE and back safely. I also got my stocking exchange package - finally! I was properly spoiled! Hugs!
i'm a little late catching up to everyone's well wishes, but i just can't thank you enough for your prayers and positive thoughts. it means the world to me. thank you so very much. xo
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