Dear Santa,
It is time for my annual letter to you. This year I have lots of new friends and blog neighbors so hope you have plenty of room in your sled for lots of special gifts. First Santa, I would like to give my adoptive Sis "Pea" a magical box. When she opens the box she will find everything she needs to have a wonderful life with that special love of hers. Lib is a wonderful blog neighbor and friend. She never asks for anything for herself and always prays for others. Santa do you think you could find the perfect job for Lib's husband and good health for Lib? She is so busy doing for and taking care of others I want her to stay healthy. Now Jen is always sharing her beautiful garden and making us all laugh with her jokes. Do you have some beautiful unusual plants for her garden? And throw in a great big joke book so she can keep me laughing through the New Year. Now Santa, each year I ask for a very special friend to be pregnant. This year big guy I am asking you to please, please give Patricia a healthy baby. I can't think of anyone more deserving of being a mom. So I am hoping and praying you have a special trick up your sleeve for her. Janera is another great blog friend and has a great sense of humor. Which is a good thing since she teaches high school students. How about we line her up with a year full of trades with us blog friends? I love her candles as do others so I think we all will benefit from this gift! J , Rachel , Mildred, Perri and Rosa are taking care of some very special loved ones Santa. They are giving so much of themselves and don't complain at all. What I would love to give them is time. Time for themselves to just relax, not worry and just think of their selves for just a little while. Read a book, take a walk, take a nap, not think of anyone or anything but themselves. They would never ask this for themselves Santa but I know you can take care of it! If you really have a magic bag a cure for Alzheimer's would be perfect. Sandy is having lots of pain in her back. She is accepting and adjusting to this chronic pain but I sure would like to give her a full painfree day. From the time she wakes up till she goes to sleep no pain at all. I think she has been a pretty good girl this year so could you put this in her stocking? Kathleen lost her dad this year Santa. The holidays are a little hard for her. Could you fill her stocking with love, laughter and lots of happy memories? Kristie is a very awesome, talented lady. She works hard keeping the home and family going while her hubby works away from home.I would love it if you would put a new job for her hubby in her stocking. One that will have him home nights. Bet she would be so happy you would find enough cookies and milk to last you a lifetime! Carol and Terry work so hard in so many different directions. They always think and help others even if it means giving up sleep. Lets put a big package under their tree filled with a week of sleep, no phone calls and just time together with no interruptions. They sure deserve it! For Terri would you put a very very good bottle of wine, a good book and a copy of the movie " A Walk in the Clouds under her tree? Brenda is having a rough year Santa. One son is in Iraq, the other is having some personal problems. Her daughter has moved with her family to Florida. Brenda misses her grandchildren alot. Could you give her all her children and grandchildren together with her for a weekend? I know it will have to be after Christmas since you are so busy but anytime in the New Year would be just fine. Heidi is not only a great farmers wife and mom. She is a talented writer and makes me smile everytime I visit her blog. Could you give her her very own website all set up the way she likes it? And maybe someone to keep it running smoothly? Ang has amazed me with all she has given up and done since moving offgrid with her family and a new baby on the way. Lets put a nice solar system under her tree to run her well pump and a washer that won't catch her fingers! For my friend Pam will you put all of James Herriot's books under her tree? She has been a very good but busy girl and needs to take a break and just relax. I know just the perfect gift for Marci! Lets put news of a grandbaby in 2009 in her stocking! She will make a awesome grandma. For Philip and Heidi a weeks vacation somewhere sunny and warm. So Heidi can do her business without freezing her paws and Philip won't have to worry about doing chores in the very cold snowy weather. For my very dear friend Juli that is happy with every day I would like to give her a new studio. One big enough to do her painting and her herbal and tea mixtures. She would probably tell you to give it to someone else but just leave it in the backyard with a big red ribbon on it. She will love it! For my 2 favorite boys Phil and Jonathan put a nice little cabin and a dwarf goat under their tree. They will know what to do with them. Patti is enjoying her simple life with her husband so doesn't want or need material things. She would be so happy if you gave her granddaughter Mei Ling good health for 2009. A more precious little one you'll have a hard time finding. For my dear friend Tracy a guy with a backhoe for a day would be just the thing! She has a pond that needs cleaning out along with a few other "manly" chores that need taken care of. If you can spare it throw in a few more vacation days for her. My Canadian friend Mary loves to travel. Lets give her and her husband a sightseeing trip from her home to mine! She can enjoy the trip and I can enjoy getting to meet her in person! For Amy a great big basket full of knitting yarn to help her pass the winter months. Marilyn loves crafty stuff so a gift card to Michael's and Hobby Lobby would put a smile on her face. Now for Dana all you need to give her is a weekend get away with her hubby. Make sure you have a really good babysitter so they won't have to worry about anything. For Spinner Farms 2 top of the line headlights with rechargeable batteries. You would make their day! For my new friends on Misty Top Mountain make room in the sleigh for lots and lots of farm animals. Be sure a couple of them are goat friends of Diva's! Brenda's daughter April would love a clothes shopping trip. It would be even better if you would make it a shopping trip with her mom. For another new friend Rae you really must put dairy goats under her tree! Bride to Be will be super easy Santa. A all expense paid wedding of her choice would make her very happy. Now Tania has been having car problems so if you have a nice smooth running car leave outside her door with a big bow. Judi would have a ball with lots of scrapbooking material. She and the grandkids would spend hours together scrapbooking. Now my friend over at Confessions of a Plate Addict a lifetime airline ticket to France. So she can pop over anytime she wishes. Are you getting tired of reading this Santa? I told you I had lots of new friends this year. Aren't I blessed! Roberta is a crafting grandma Santa but she also likes to read. Can you put several books about the Civil War under her tree. She needs to relax after taking care of her hubby the past few days. Miss Linda is working toward buying her own home. Lets surprise her with the perfect house! Just leave a photo and address in her stocking so she can find it. Hey big guy, for my friend Jessica would you find a job for her hubby. They got hit by layoffs and it would make their Christmas a lot brighter. Joyce Ann is another friend I would love to have goats. I know Santa. You are feeling like Noah and the ark but its Christmas and the season of giving. JK is a truckers wife too so you know I want her gift to be a good paying load for her hubby and some extra time at home. A easy kidding season would also be nice. Meggie has problems with hubby messing in her garden. Lets give her a secret garden that only she knows about so she can enjoy without worry. And a couple of doggie treats for her dogs too please. This is going to get me in trouble but Santa leave a shirt without the letter "D" on it under the tree at ThistleDew Farm. They will know who it belongs to. Leave a envelope with money and a map to some new thriftshops for my friend Mandie. Maybe she will take me along as she finds some awesome bargains! Santa, Nicole is always busy, busy, busy. Could you give her a gift of a relaxing day. A day with nothing to do but relax. This girl can do anything and is so talented. She just needs to rest more. Amelia could use some heavy duty snow shovels and plenty of feed to help keep the animals warm and happy. For my friend Lynda in Africa could you give her a trip around the world? She could stop in at all her many blog friends (especially Hidden Haven) and maybe cook some of her yummy recipes. Jo is another friend that enjoys the simple life. But I know she would enjoy some CD's of bluegrass and native flute music. Shiloh Prairie Farm sure could use a easy winter for their goats and a very easy kidding season. For my special non blogging friends Connie, Evelyn, Corky and Wendy I wish a stocking filled with a Hidden Haven calendar,Diva soap and lotion and some of Diva's garlic cheese spread. Santa for all my family and friends I ask you to fill their stockings with peace and happiness. I would love to make their New Year filled with laughter and love. Thank you so much for helping with my Christmas wishes. I know you are a very busy guy. Don't worry about stopping by Hidden Haven this year Santa. We have the animals gifts taken care of and William and I are very blessed with our simple life. I hope my list isn't so long it keeps you out too late. We don't want Mrs. Santa getting upset. Merry Christmas Santa and thanks again!!
P.S. Oh if you happen to need any extra reindeer we have plenty here. They are a little "strange" but you can still borrow them!
A beautiful letter to Santa written with the "sweet spirit" that the Lord has given to you. May all your request be answered!
Merry Christmas Peggy and William!
Oh Peggy!...You are so sweet to think of me in your letter! I would love that lifetime ticket to France! On my way, I would swing by and see you and your farm. You know I love your goats. I wish I could have a little farm with baby goats, but it would probably wind up like Green Acres!! Pat the critters for me and have a Mery Christmas...Debbie
Thank you for the mention in Santa's list! You are one amazing woman!
I have heavy duty shovels but I'd sure like to be able to feed the wild animals out in the bush. They are going to starve this winter..
I feel honoured to be included in your list. I am sure Santa will bring you much joy and happiness this Christmas.
A beautiful list for all of your friends. Thank you so much. I hope all your Christmas wishes come true and that God sends abundant blessings to Hidden Haven in 2009.
May Santa give you an easy kidding season, some good books to read and much success with your business.
Amazing post this morning.
Christmas blessings to you, William and your entire family.
Hi Peggy,
I love this Beautiful letter, just like to to ask for everyone something special!
I do hope Santa delivers all your request!
God Bless You Friend!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
awwwww, you are so sweet. Please ask him for some extra brain cells also so I can remember if I thanked a dear friend of mine a sweet christmas card she also sent me by mail! I loved divas card! so did the kids...
my fingers STILL HURT
Awe thanks, Peggy! Very sweet of you.
I wish you much energy to keep doing what you do. I don't know how you do it all, so I'm sending energy wishes and a happy healthy 2009. :)
What a thoughtful, heart-felt message Peggy. Thanks for your good wishes for all of us. Nalley and I appreciate your prayers and friendship so much and Diva keeps a smile on our face! I wish peace and happiness for you and William and for you both to know you hold a very special place in our heart. Merry Christmas friend. Mildred
I love your sweet letter and you knew just what to ask for. Bless your sweet heart with all your dreams and a happy healthy farm. I pray your soaps sale double in 2009 =) and hope you have lots of pretty KIDS this year.
Love and hugs,Brenda
That is just too cute! You are a blessing to all of your blogging friends.
Oh sis, you've gone and made me cry! Such a special letter to Santa again this year and I hope with all my heart that he does bring me that magical box:-) You are such a special person, sis, and I just love you to bits!!!! May all YOUR dreams and wishes come true. xoxo
Peggy, your post touched me so much. You have such a beautiful soul! I don't know how you knew that the desire of my heart is for a home of my own, but somehow you did. Reading your little 'request' for me just brought tears to my eyes, especially just now as it seems that favorite dream is slipping further and further into impossibility. Your entire post was so very kind. I am privileged to know you! I wish you all the blessings of the season, and a new year filled with laughter, love and joy!
Peggy I love you so much. That was just the right wish for me!!! I wish I lived closer.
Thank you Peggy. You know me well!!! :) You are such a sweetheart!!
I wanted to let you know, I needed to edit the post about little Hannah. She is not related to me. That letter was passed on to me by someone else. Sorry for the confusion.
Peggy, This is such a neat tribute to all of your special friends. I'm so glad i found your blog--and hope to be included as a blogger friend also.
Peggy, reading your letter to Santa brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
Thank you so much for including me in your group of friends.
May you be surrounded this holiday season and always by all that gives your life meaning and joy.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What a beautiful and sweet post! I feel very special to be included, thank you and my Christmas wish for you this year is lots of healthy, beautiful goat babies....with spots even!
You are too kind, thanks for thinking of me;)
You're so Sweet ..... Peggy , such a thoughtful list. Now that we've got the chicken coop ready , I hope to get DH to work on the goat pen next. Hopefully , Santa will bring goats sometime next year .... yipeee !
Thanks for remembering me , and I hope Santa brings you many Blessings throughout 2009.
~ Love & Blessings ~
What a wonderful letter to Santa.
I hope that all your wishes come true, and I wish for you and yours a Very Merry Christmas.
Hugs and blessings,
By the way, I have a small something for you on my blog.
What a song!! Barnyard Christmas!! Smile!! Sounds like music that you especially should have on here!!
Mother would send you some snow and so would our daughter up by Chicago...They have tons and getting MORE!!
WE are crazy for leaving this 80 degree weather and going up there but family is calling!!
Merry Christmas
Dear Peggy, Thank you for including me in your sweet letter to santa I feel very privlaged and couldnt think of anything better I would love to recieve,,,
A very "Merry Christmas" to all at "Hidden valley" Love Jen
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