My son in law Brannon has a friend going through a divorce. The friend would be leaving the home and couldn't take his sheep so was looking for a good home for them. Yes, we brought them home with us from the Christmas weekend. Poor sheep had to ride 6 hours in the back of our pickup. It has a camper shell so they stayed warm and dry, just a long strange ride for them. When we got home Molly got loose before we got her to the pen and has been hiding in the woods until today. This morning she came in the backyard and followed me to the pen. I opened the pen and she followed me in. Molly spent the day in the pen with Charlie and Missy. When the sun started going down she went under the fence and went back to the woods. I think she will do this for a couple of days till she gets use to us and the pen. At least she is spending her days with us now. They are soay sheep and don't get very big. You don't shear them either. They shed their wool in the spring. Never thought I would have sheep but they are actually very sweet.
We now have the new dog pen finished. They are loving it.
And we moved some of the chickens into 3 of the new chicken pens. They are having a ball scratching around in a new area.
We are going to tear down the old big chicken pen and build more of the smaller so we can separate breeds, hens sitting, sick, etc.

Nice sheep, we used to raise sheep but they can't eat goat food though since they can't have much copper in their diet as goats need the copper.
Hi Oeggy, I know they found a good Loving home with you!:o)
Oh I enjoy these walks around your farm and seeing all the animals. Best wishes with Molly!
I love the new sheep. They are so cute and your place looks awesome. I love to come and visit.
Roberta Anne
You brought home 3 sheep? they look nice. Like your chicken setup. We have separate breed pens too. Enjoyed the tour.
Peggy! have I told you this year! (smiles) how much I love visiting you wwwwway!! over there, well I do! (smiles)
I am just dropping in to my dear blogger friends to wish them a truly wonderful christmas as I just know next week will be busy for me and so can I wish you many holiday blessings and fun for your family and friends and never would I forget your farm yard family!! Merry Christmas" to you all.
Love always from Australia
The sheep are beautiful and those pens ! Very nice :)
The sheep are beautiful and those pens ! Very nice :)
The sheep are beautiful, I had no idea there were sheep other than the white ones you see on the side of the highway:) Im glad they are with you. What does Diva think of the new guests?
Peggy, I just tasted the soap that you sent me. I couldn't resist, it smells so good:)
Peggy, how do you do it? I wish with all my heart that we could have the animals you do but we just don't have the resources or a place to keep them in the winter.
I really envy you so much. The bad part would be having to part with them.
Three more family members. I think that is great Peggy. God knew you would take good care of those sheep and placed you in the right place at the right time. Thanks for sharing another adventure with us.
God Bless,
Oh Peggy what beautiful sheep. Does that mean you have to brush them if you want to spin the wool? And oh my gosh what beautiful new pens. Please tell me how you keep the plastic on in the wind.
Oh Peggy what beautiful sheep. Does that mean you have to brush them if you want to spin the wool? And oh my gosh what beautiful new pens. Please tell me how you keep the plastic on in the wind.
Oh Peggy what beautiful sheep. Does that mean you have to brush them if you want to spin the wool? And oh my gosh what beautiful new pens. Please tell me how you keep the plastic on in the wind.
Hi Peggy, I found your blog by reading Mildred's. Sounds like you have a wonderful 'farm' in NC. I love NC---and we go to Otto (near Franklin) often to be with our friends who have a mountain home there. My hubby and I are 'waterfallers'---finding new ones as often as we can. There are many beautiful waterfalls in NC. Thanks!!! I enjoyed your blog.
Happy Farming!
You are certainly becoming a small ark!! Miss Noah!! smile!! I knew that you would take those sheep in...You love animals too much to not do it...
Have a Merry Christmas, Peggy!!
I had never heard of soay sheep before. They do look nice. Glad Sweet Molly came home for some food & company!
Bless your heart for taking these sheep in, sis. They are very lucky to have been able to come home with you:-) xoxo
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