Isabella the baby wild bird is doing wonderfully. She has a temper though and if you don't feed her as soon as she chirps the first time you are in for a earful! She screams very loudly without stopping until she gets that first mouthful of food. Isabella eats baby food rice cereal and beef mixed together and fed from a dropper. She even lets me wash her face after she eats. She can get messy when she is really hungry. Feeding her every two hours is sometimes a pain but at bedtime I put a washcloth over her to feel like her mommy is sitting over her and she sleeps all night. First thing in the morning when she hears me get up she starts chirping then screaming for her breakfast. Several times during the day I let her sit on my shoulder while I do chores outside. She loves it and I enjoy it until she starts chirping in my ear when she talks to other birds.
Things have been very busy around the homestead. No rain means watering the gardens. Trying to get more items together for another yard sale. Cleaning up around the homestead is never ending. Men tend to think having tools all over the property, in the house and on the porch is fine. Even parts, wood, projects are left everywhere. I am slowly getting everything in its rightful place and get my yard and home back to what it was. I haven't blogged everyday but I have read your posts and love keeping up with all that's going on with you. Have a great day and don't forget to count those blessings!
Meet Mr. Stanford. He is our new Angora buck and such a gentle sweet cutie pie. Thank you Christina and Jim for letting us bring Mr. Stanford home for Bashful and Happy.
This is Happy. She is waiting for her haircut. She also had a visit from Mr. Stanford the past couple of nights so is a tired but content bunny.
This is Bashful. She had her hair appointment with my clippers and scissors two days ago. She has small babies at the moment so will not be meeting Mr. Stanford personally for a while.
Here are two of the baby birds from Momma Chickadee. There was another off to the other side I didn't get in the photo. I didn't realize it until I came inside and didn't want to disturb them again.
Hi Peggy, So ---you NEED rain... Gosh, as you know TN has had more than its share of rain!!!!
So glad that that sweet little bird is doing so well. Keep us updated about him/her.
Mr. Stanford is gorgeous.. In fact, all of your bunnies are...
Hmmm---didn't know that about possums (their lack of ability to poo and pee)... Interesting!!! Glad you knew that about them.... ha
Have a wonderful day --taking care of all of God's critters...
Great pictures Peggy. I hope your next yard sale is a good one. They are starting up here but slowly. Last weekend was cold and rainy so most were cancelled.
I think it's the same with kittens and puppies isn't it? They have to be stimulated to poo and pee by their mothers? I guess it's just nature and has to be done.
I am knitting with angora at the moment and I guess your bunnies are where it comes from. Do you sell their fur?
That's great about the baby bird, it's looking more like a starling but I guess we'll all find out somewhat later!!
Keep up the good work Peggy, Mother Nature needs a helping hand from people like you..
Hi Peggy,
I'm glad that you are getting everythig in order. You are doing a great job with the babies. Wait till your baby bird becomes a big bird and lands on your head. I had a pidgeon once who would land on our heads. We loved that crazy bird. Praying for your to get some rain for your garden.
My sister got so much rain her house flooded to the roof and she lost everything! The baby bird is cute.
Would send you soem of our rain if I could!
I Love hearing your Homestead news and pix. SO peaceful looking and sounding!
Have agreat wk. my friend!
Peggy, I really, really, really, think you are a whisperer of all things large and small. And I do believe you are happy. It reads out loud and clear. Happy and contented.
Good for you.
Awww ...... the little birdie is so sweet , I can just see you walking around with it on your shoulder.
Enjoyed seeing those rabbits too. I hope to get another rabbit in the future , but we've been busy getting the goat shed and fencing up. Maybe once that's finished I can talk Dh into redoing the rabbit hutch , so we can get a bunny. I want to make sure it's fox proof before we get another one.
~*~ Be Blessed ~*~
Hi Peggy, I love your little bird Isabella... too cute..I would love for my birds to sit on my shoulder and be friends with me..have a good day. Hugs, Baba
From your notes about men leaving tools and projects laying around, I think I must be a man. Good to hear stuff is fairly normal for you there.
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