Monday was my grandson "W"'s 15th birthday. Melody now has a teenager with a learners permit. I hope he pays more attention to the road and less on his hair like his mom did. Happy Birthday "W"! Can't wait for you to drive me around.

I believe the Lord has a sense of humor. A couple of weeks ago it was so hot and dry I said a prayer for rain while we were driving down the road. A few minutes later it started raining hard where we were but when we got home it hadn't rained a drop. I jokingly said Lord I guess I forgot to give you the address where I wanted the rain and gave it to him. That night it rained and it has rained every day since! It will rain for a little while then the sun comes out and I get a few things done outside and then it clouds up and rain again. I am not going to complain a bit! The rain is good for the gardens and it cools things down so I can work after it stops. I can just see God sitting up there with a big grin on his face and saying he bets I will be careful what I pray for next time!
I have searched back over the blogs I usually read each day and cannot find the one that posted the wonderful yummy cookie recipe. I am going to post the recipe and hope the person that created and shared it will leave a comment so I can link to their blog and give them credit. It is a really really tasty cookie so give it a try.
Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 sticks of butter
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1tsp. vanilla
1 1/2 cup flour
3 cups old fashioned oats
lots of chocolate chips ( eyeball it and put as many as you love in)
cup of nuts if you like nuts and I do and added
Preheat the oven to 375F (I set mine back down to 350F as the cookies seem to get brown too fast)
Blend in butter, sugars, eggs, vanilla. Add flour,oats, and chips and nuts if you like. You can also add raisins if you like. Mix well and drop by tablespoon onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 12 to 14 minutes.
These cookies are a little crunchy on the outside but soft and moist on the inside.
The days have been filled cleaning pens and cages to keep the flies away. Seems like the rain brings them in so fast. I clean the rabbit cages every day and rake up the poo but with the rain it is a never ending job. Been getting lots of squash from the garden. Tomorrow will be picking lots of greenbeans. The garden is loaded with them so I am sure the canners will be going tomorrow night. I just love putting up food for winter! I also have been able to do a little more work on my herb garden and the flower beds. Granny J I even got a hen and chicks to put in the wagon in one of the flower beds thanks to you and the way you have yours around your home! May you each have a very blessed evening and may tomorrow be filled with blessings for you and yours.
Please send some of your rain our way. The last precipitation of any note that we had was a snowstorm back in February. Other than that, just the odd sprinkle. The forest is as dry and paper and dust. there have been fires around us but none too close yet but it won't be long at this rate.
It seems that your prayers are powerful so maybe you could say some for rain for us.
I do hope your daughter gets some relief soon. It must be very unpleasant for her having to keep going into hospital. I have no idea what's wrong but if stress comes into it, I really hope she gets relief. That's a miserable way to live...
I stopped halfway through reading your post and emailed my prayer group about Megan. I'll continue prayers for her health.
I got a chuckle out of your prayer for rain. I once prayed that it would snow while my grandkids were here from Florida. They had never seen snow before. We got a huge snowstorm. DD said "mom next time, be careful what you pray for, you just might get it".
Peggy if you will email me at grannyj at with your address I'll send you a small box of hen and chicks. I like to grow them in clay or wooden pots so that they dry out well between waterings. Hope yous do well in your wagon.
Oh, I forgot, happy birthday W!
LOL on the praying for rain! I love that cat, I have one here like that too! She also can say "mama" when she wants some people food I'm cooking. Aren't cats great? The farm would not be the same without them.
I'm not yet to harvesting beans or squash, I'm a little jealous, LOL.
Adding Megan to our prayer list. Hope she is soon healthy and back on her feet.
Hi Peggy, Since you have the inside track to God--please say a little prayer for me today since I am having my knee surgery this afternoon... THANKS!!!
I will continue to pray for Megan... She is the only one who can make the necessary changes in order to get and stay healthy. Bless her heart... I know this is hard for both you and Megan.
That 15 yr. old grandson is a good-looking young man. Can you believe just how fast they all grow up???? Unbelievable!!!
Have a good day--and don't work too hard.
It cool here the last two morning, but warming up to the 90s* real fast during the day. Good for the making of hay, but whew! from cold to heat is sure hard on the body.
I hope your daughter is doing better, Peggy!
Happy Birthday W!!!
My prayers go out for your daughter. Hope she feels better very soon.
Your grandson is very handsome. Happy Birthday!!
Hope you are doing well.
Happy Birthday to "W" it's great to be able to drive!
Prayers for Megan!
I see my neighbour, Amelia, already asked for you to pray for rain for us northern folk. I suspect she, like me, is not on the Lord's "A" list. We are a couple of religious sceptics. But she, like me, loves her dogs so she must be at least on the "B" list.
We had a Winter drought here that ran into a Spring drought and they are predicting a dry hot summer. It will be great for the recreationalists but for farmers and those who work in the forest it will be bad. My beloved river is lower than I have ever seen it. It will take a snowy Winter to renew all the water we need to keep the beaver ponds, lakes, rivers and water table up.
I am making plans to come down your way, stay tuned.
I love water kittys. I had one named Simba. He loved the water and did what your kitty does. He went one better. When you filled the tub with water for a bath and got in, he waited until you settled down and then stepped onto your tummy and laid down with his tail in the warm water. He was very goofy. Prayers for your daughter. I love the pic of W with bare feet. Oh my what a heart breaker he will be
We've had the same rain here. It had rained everyday but then it will stop and the sun will come out. I had a cat that used to take a shower with me!
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