Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A Letter To Santa

Dear Santa,
As you know I have been very blessed this year. Instead of stopping in at Hidden Haven this year would you visit some of my very special friends and leave a few gifts under their tree?
My friends over at BooneDocks are having a cold rough winter already Santa. Could you give them a few warm, sunny days so they can get out and enjoy it and the goats can get out of the barn? The goats love to run and play but it has been too cold for their little feet and they are having to stay in the barn. Thanks Santa, and I know the goats will thank you too!
Melissa has been a very good  but busy girl this year. Could you leave her a few hours of alone time? Time for just her so she can take a nap, read a book, or just sit and enjoy the peace and quiet. I bet she would have some of her yummy cookies waiting for your.
Wendy is so wanting to take a trip south. Could you leave her a gas card to help with expenses and a couple of treats for Zeke and Aleka?
My friend SciFiChick over at Bacon and Eggs would really be surprised but so happy to find a map to their perfect piece of property for their homestead. If you could, make sure it has plenty of gardening space.
When you leave Wendy's place would you stop by Phil's and leave a giant stock pot under his tree? Don't worry he knows exactly what to do with it. Oh, and leave Jonathan a nice book under the tree if you don't mind.
Philip and Heidi have been extra good this year Santa. Would you leave Heidi a nice HUGE bone to chew on and a king size bed for Philip so he and Heidi can both have room to sleep.
For my very special, sweet friends at Mainely Ewes Farm I have a special request Santa. Please leave them a contract under the tree that will help them be able to continue working as the great nurses they are and give that special care they give to their patients. They are truly angels in our eyes.
For my friend Linda I would like a book of all her photos wrapped and placed under her tree. I think once she sees how talented she is she will publish her photos to share with the rest of the world.
My friend Marci loves children, so this year Santa could you fill her home with loved ones and lots of children? Oh, and make it a beautiful white Christmas for her if you don't mind.
For my friend Tracy if you left her a nice remodeled hen house and closed in carport for the bunnies you would have one happy lady. She is always working and trying new things Santa so I bet she would have a nice new treat for you under her tree.
Santa Ang is one lady that has it all. She has a big farm, big family, loves living without electric or indoor potty. Her family truly love living the simple life and set examples for all of us. The one thing I would like for you to leave under her tree if you could would be a weekend get away just for her and Gentle Giant. They love their children so know they won't want to leave them behind, but one weekend get away would be something I think they would enjoy.
Over at the Modern Day Redneck Farm they run out of time and material to do all the projects they planned for the winter. Do you think you could find a little more daylight time for them in your magic gift bag? I know you have plenty of materials you could leave them under the tree. Santa you are the best!
When you stop by Mary's please leave her some extra Christmas cheer. She is having a little bit of a problem finding all hers. She has had a rough year Santa so if you happen to have a very special someone in that bag that would be perfect for her please leave him under the tree too!
GrannyJ has been sewing up a storm Santa. She is a very talented lady and I would love for you to leave her some quilt scraps, threads, and crochet yarn under the tree. If you have some magic to take her pain away that would be super!
My sweet friend JoyceAnn is always helping her daughters by caring for the grands. Could you leave some craft projects for them to work on together? I would really love it if you could leave her some extra special seeds for her herb garden.
Now Santa, my friends Betsy and George love to travel to waterfalls, go hiking, sightseeing, etc. What I really, really want is for you to leave them a trip package under their tree. I would like the trip to be filled with all the things they love to do but would also like for you to have the trip include a stop by Hidden Haven. I just know you will figure this all out as you are one smart cookie!
Now Santa you know Pea is my dearest, sweetest, adopted sister so her gift needs to be extra special. I was thinking that since you have such magical things happening that you could leave her a card under the tree telling her next year she will magically appear at our annual family Christmas weekend. That she won't have to fly(since she is afraid) and that after the weekend she will magically be back home. Please Santa, can you do this? Please?
My sweet friend Lib has been a blessing to her family and friends this year. If you will Santa, leave a beautiful tea set under her tree with some special teas and cookies for her and Little Shadow. They love to have tea parties and this would be a perfect gift.
Santa, my friend Denise has been busy helping her husband get in firewood for the winter. Do you think you could get the elves to cut, split, and stack enough wood for the whole winter for them? That would give Denise time to make more of those beautiful quilts and I know her husband would be very appreciative .
Barbara has been wanting some Comfry Plants Santa. Could you find her the biggest, healthiest ones and leave them under her tree? Also a couple of nice nesting boxes too if you have room. Thanks Santa!
Now Santa, this next wish might be a little hard but I just know you can do it. My very, very, special friend Amelia lives on very rocky, shady land. I would really love for you to leave her some raised garden beds. I know you can work your magic and move some trees outta the way for sunshine and make just the perfect spot for those raised beds. Oh, and don't forget to leave her some seed catalogs to look through to help pass the winter. Santa, you are such a sweetie!
For my friend GA. Farmwoman could you leave them a huge order for laying boxes? Give them customers from all over the USA because they are the most honest, hardworking, people anyone could want to purchase from.
Santa for my very sweet and dear friend Mildred could you please help John's medication work so that they can have a happy, healthy Christmas? And please Santa leave a cute little outfit under the tree for Harriet from Rusty. He is kinda sweet on her ya know.
Elizabeth and her husband have been getting into a more simple lifestyle in their new home Santa. They really don't need anything material but I just know they would love to have perfect weather for their family Christmas this year.Could you make sure they both are feeling healthy so they can enjoy all the love and laughter that will be filling their home on Christmas day?
For my funny but wonderful friend Kent Island Red I just have to see a paid month off from work so she can just enjoy her home, family, and animals. She is the kindest person you will find Santa so I know you will want this for her as much as I do. Oh, you could always add a indoor pool near the barn for her too if you really want to be nice.
Santa, Sheri and her family have had the worse year possible for any family. They don't care if there aren't any wrapped presents under the tree if you will just promise them a year of good  health and a quiet peaceful year in their new home on their new land. Santa, please be a dear and give this family this special gift. It would truly mean a lot.
Ann has a blog all about you Santa! She has written some wonderful posts that has taught us so much. Could you take time from your busy night to sit down with her for a interview? I know you would really enjoy talking to her and we all would really enjoy reading about it.
For my friend Sandra could you leave all her horses and sheep extra treats in their stockings? She just loves her animals and farm so much. If you would Santa leave a nice little basket with teas and cookies for her under the tree. She needs to take time to put her feet up and have a little rest.

Now Santa, my friend Juli has had a bad year. Things are starting to turn around for her and her son. I would really be thankful Santa if you could leave her a nice new shiny little wood stove under her tree.
My dear sweet, jolly, old man thank you for reading my letter and taking care of my wishes. As you know Santa good friends are very hard to find and I have been blessed with very special ones indeed. For all my blog friends and neighbors Santa I hope you will fill their stockings with peace, love, and happiness for the coming year. Thank you again Santa, you are the best!
Your always believing in you friend,


Anonymous said...

Good Morning dear Peggy and Rusty and Merry Christmas. John, Harriet and I thank you for your special requests to Santa. I recognize so many names in your post and it certainly is a blessing to have such a large circle of friends through blogging. May God bless you this beautiful Christmas season. Love, Mildred

Granny said...

What a wonderful friend you are. I spent the last hour visiting many of your friends that you included in your wish list to Santa. I hope your holiday season is the best ever.

Hugs to you my friend.

Marci said...

Oh Peggy, you are so special and sweet. Every year you remember me and my love of children. Thank you sweet Sister!!! I pray that God blesses your socks off this year!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and wonderfully thoughtful list! You really have captured the kinds of things money cannot buy but which mean the most. Merry Christmas to you and your family ~ and here's hoping Santa brings you the perfect gift just because you're such a good friend to others. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Peggy, This post made me cry.. i LOVED it and when I saw our names, I felt so special. I do hope that George and I can visit you at Hidden Haven sometime. That would be WONDERFUL.

Thanks so much for writing Santa in our behalf...

Anonymous said...

Wow! You REALLY know the people you told Santa about. I am very, very impressed by how much you remember about each friend and that you took the time to think of what each person needs from Santa! You have got to be one of the kindest, most considerate and loving people in the whole universe! What you did is sooooo cool! I want to grow up to be like you :-)

amelia said...

Oh Peggy, you are the sweetest person!!!
I can't think of a better way to say it than what everyone else has!! Especially what Wendy said!

Lib said...

Oh Thank You Peggy! How sweet.
Yes, Little Shadow and I Love our tea parties. :o)
You are so KIND and THOUGHTFUL!!!!
I Hope Sant brings you everything You desire!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy,
How sweet. Thank you so much for your support.

JoyceAnn said...

Thanks for speaking to Santa on my behalf , you're a wonderful friend. I'll have to put in a good word for you too! Maybe he can sprinkle some of that magic dust and get your family together more often , my wish for you.

I hope we can come Sunday afternoon or Monday to fetch that sweet little bunny. I think she's going to be a Christmas present for the Grands , they'll love that. I'll let you know for sure when I get things planned out. Thanks for letting me know. I'm looking forward to meeting you.

~ Holiday Blessings ~

Carole Burant said...

Sis, you made me cry!!!! lol I so wish with all of my heart that Santa would answer all of your prayers and wishes. To be able to be at your place for your family Christmas weekend would definitely be a dream come true. You always think of others, sis, and I hope that Santa is extra nice to you this year:-) Love ya sis. xoxo

katlupe said...

Peggy, thanks for leaving a plug for my blog on the Homestead forum. I looked at my stats and said, "Who are these hits coming from?" I found you! Thanks so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Peggy. Your Christmas wish for me has come forth thanks to Life on a Southern Farms Georgiawomen and Farmman. They have blessed me with nesting boxes for my girls. Thank you so much and may everyones Christmas wish and request come true.
Merry Christmas Peggy and may all your Christmas wishes come true.

DayPhoto said...

WOW! Peggy! What an amazing letter. And a wish for me also! That was a pleasant surprise and most thoughtful. I zipped over to everyone you mentioned and bookmarked thier blogs....I find it interesting that your friends as interested in so many of the same things that I am.

For you, Dear Friend, I am more than grateful! You've helped me with the goats, gave me many laughs and joys with all of your animals, you love pigs (as I do) and you are now teaching me how to have a treasure hunt!

I am wishing upon you a most merry of Merry Christmas for you have given me a joyful day today!


Tracy Bruring said...

Peggy having friends like you are blessings enough for Christmas! My wishes and prayers for you are enough hours in each day to give you just a little time to enjoy a little rest. You are wayyyy busier than I. I love you and send you a great big holiday hug! Tracy