Tuesday, December 27, 2005

By George I Think I've Got It!!

Quintin and Gabby watching Polar Express
William waiting on the bacon to cook for our Christmas Eve breakfast
William and his grandson little William watching a movie
After 3 days of installing, uninsatalling, rebooting, pulling my hair out, fussing at poor ole hubby for buying this dumb lady a camera made for smart people, I have finally got the dang thing to work! The computer finally made the folder for my pictures after the 10th time installing the software! I had to clean up and reboot my computer but now the new and the old camera's software are on the computer and both are working fine. I can now safely say that I am a proud owner of a Konica Minolta Dimage Z10. I still haven't gotten all the buttons figured out on the camera but at least I can put it on auto and it does the thinking for me. William wants me to learn on this one and then move to the newer version.... Yeah right!!!!


Judypatooote said...

Snap, Snap, everyone knows when I'm around they will hear the snap, snap see the flashes...I love my camera....My first one was a fugi, and it was pretty simple...then I bought a different one (can't remember which one) and I was pulling my hair out....I couldn't figure it out....so I returned it and bought another fugi with zoom lens....i love it because it works with my simple mind.....lol

Your picture look great, my friends and family all know to keep on smiling because they could end up on my blog.....


Anne Coleman said...

Yeah for new digitals! I'm lovin' mine.

Polar Express....what a cool movie. We got it for the kids for Christmas and they think it's great.

Alice said...

Isn't it a thrill when you finally work it out? I often achieve things by accident and the trouble is I can never remember what the accident was. I'm sure you'll have hours of fun with your new camera.

Maggie Ann said...

Good for you Peggy! Its confusing to try and figure out something totally new. Oh victory..how sweet it is *smile* Enjoyed the pictures of your family.

Tee/Tracy said...

Awh :) Happy family times :)

Congrats on the camera! ;)

Finn said...

Way to go Peggy!! Isn't it fun trying to match our ole brains to the new techno stuff! I think I do better with a kerosene lantern than these cameras! Hugs, Finn...pics are great by the way, and congrats on getting the computer to recognize it has a new camera...LOL

Julia said...

Your way ahead of me in this techno stuff. I have a computer guru handy but she has to give it some thought lots of times before things will work for her too.
Looks like your kids are having a good time. Love to see kids happy.
Thanks for the kind words today on my blog that was very nice of you.

Kay from Oak Spring Farm

eyes_only4him said...

yea for you...

I am getting mine figured out too