Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For My Friend Alice

Alice wrote the words to some of carols
from Australia but wanted us to hear
the music. So Alice this is for you.
if you go to this site and go to the bottom
of the page you can click on the 12kb midi link
to hear the music for The Three Drovers
So Merry Christmas my down under friends!!!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Thank you so much for that link, Peggy. I played 'Three Drovers' and although the melody is correct, the tempo is about half the speed it should be (I don't know the musical terms). I thought is may have been just the way it came through my computer but I also played 'Advance Australia Fair' (our National Anthem) and that was the correct speed.

Also on that same website there is a link 'Carols by Candelight' which explains its origins, including a comment from Norman Banks granddaughter. I remember listening to Norman on the radio for many years. It also describes what is probably the most famous Carols by Candlelight program in the world today - the one held at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on Christmas Eve. It is now televised across the world. In 1964 I sang in the Choir at this service, which was a real thrill as I had been listening to the program on the radio at home on the farm for years before that.