Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Its way past my bedtime but its the first quiet time I have had in several days. William came home the 22nd and we spent the 23rd cutting and stacking wood and washing his semi. His daughter and grandson came Christmas Eve morning and William cooked breakfast for all of us. Then he and Lisa and Will went outside to do things while I cleaned up the kitchen (why does it always work that way when he cooks?) Lisa and I did some last minute shopping and then we all headed to MIL's for Christmas Eve dinner with Williams family. That was a 2 hour drive there and back so it was after midnight when we got home. We put Will to bed and watched Lisa set out Santa. Back up at 7am for Christmas and my traditional Christmas pancakes (red and green). Lisa and Will left to go to her other grandmothers for that family get together and William and I stayed in our jammies all day watching movies. I even cooked our Christmas dinner in my pj's! We had a nice turkey, dressing,green beans, creamed potatoes, sweet potato casserole,corn, gravy and biscuits. I also had pumpkin pie, banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, oatmeal cookies and fudge whenever we wanted some dessert. It rained all day so it was a nice indoor type of day and we both needed to relax. Today I got up early and headed 3 hours away to pick up Quintin and Gabby. Megan met me halfway so I would keep the kids this week while they were out of school and she worked. We drove 3 hours back and have been going all afternoon and evening! They hadn't been to this house since they were 2 and 3 years old and I kept them while Mom and dad both in the army at the time were sent off in different places. Quintin could remember lots of things and kept running around looking at things. He made me promise not to throw away his baby toys that were still here because they were his memories and you aren't suppose to throw away memories! I even have the teddy bear he slept with then and his bathtub toys. We haven't lived in this house in over 4 years so it was fun remembering with the kids. Gabby didn't remember anything but is having fun exploring with her brother. We ate dinner and then sat down to watch a movie and play word search. William left at 11pm to go get his tanker loaded for a trip to Oregon. so I got his clothes, food, etc all packed for him. I have been working with my camera for a couple of hours and finally gave up for the night. I have downloaded, deleted and redownloaded the software for my new camera and can still not find the folder it tells me my pictures are in on my computer. I have opened every file, folder and drive and can find them nowhere!! I still have them in the camera so guess I will go to walmart and get them put on a CD disk. I am too old for a camera that does everything. It will even zoom in on the face of a flea... Now why would I want to do that??? Oh well better turn in so I can rest up for a busy kid day tomorrow.

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