Hidden Haven will have 50 baby chicks very soon! I ordered them tonight and they will be here the 27th. I am so excited and can't wait to see the cute little things! It will be a few weeks before they can go outside so I am going to find a huge cardboard box to keep them in in the spare bedroom. I have the heat light and have ordered the vaccines, food and water treatment for the first couple weeks. I have attached a latch on the outside of the bedroom door so I can make sure the cats don't get in that room and get any babies.Have some work to do on the chicken house and it has to be fenced in but am putting that on Williams to do list ! Slowly the homestead is getting in shape..... now where can I find a couple of goats??????
I ordered two dozen egglings for my preschool with the lamps etc and the children were amazed at these babied chickens coming out of their shells. It was soooo beautiful to watch their reactions. Good luck with your chickens... what about a duck or two?
Chickens are lots of fun. In about 22 weeks you will start having more eggs than you could possibly eat. What varieties? I like plymouth Barred Rock birds. I am going to try wild turkeys this year. Lots to look forward to.
Oh how we would love to be able to keep chickens and goats!You must post some pictures when they arrive.My girls would adore that.
50 chickens! My goodness Peggy, what are you going to do with all those eggs?
Your chook pen must be huge :) That is one of the things I am going to do this year, is get chooks...
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