Friday, March 31, 2006

This Day Is Finally Over!

If it could of happened.... It did! Started the day at 4am this morning because I couldn't sleep knowing I had things to do today and a upset husband. Fed the animals and headed up the road. Got behind every school bus that was out. Of course there had to be a check point by the local police in Pinehurst (PGA golf town) so I am digging out my registration and insurance and end up handing him an old and new insurance and no registration ... Had to dig it out. Make it to Lexington where Sharon and I go pick up the tax papers I need to take to the IRS. We drive to Winston Salem to the IRS after yahoo map quest finally gave us directions. (We had only tried about 10 times) IRS office is in the courthouse so we have to go thru security check and of course with my wrist brace on I set off the alarm and they have to do the little wand up and down to make sure I am not carrying a weapon. We get to the office and have to take a number.. Its 402 and they are on 301! We sit to wait and to our surprise #401 is called but no one goes up to the window. #402 was called I did my thing and we were out of there to pay $2.00 for 10 minutes of parking. We go fax the papers to William's bosses office, go back to Sharon's and I say goodbye and head home...... Phone rings and its William telling me I have sent the wrong years paperwork ....... So I turn around as I am calling Sharon and go back to her house and we get the right paperwork and go back to the IRS cause it needs that special stamp that only they can do. We get a number and the place is packed... And yes I set off the alarm and it was a different guy there and he had to check my hand and everything! Thank goodness a lady comes out of the office and takes my paperwork (and check) and goes back to her office and puts her little stamp on it and we are on our way back out to pay another $2.00 for less than 10 minutes parking! Drive back to Lexington to fax the paperwork and have forgotten to bring the fax number with me so call Ray to get it and I copied it down wrong so couldn't send the fax... Sharon calls back home and gets Wayne to go out to my car and read the number. I had missed it by 1 number! Get the fax off, go back to Sharons, get my van and head home... Find out my inspection sticker is going out of date so stop to get van inspected and oil change. Have a exhaust leak so can't get inspection till that is fixed but got oil changed. Start home again. Get almost home when traffic comes to a stop again. I am thinking another check point so try digging everything out of glove box to have it fall in the floor. There was no license check. There was highway patrolmen, cops, county coroner and sheriff deputies at a house with crime scene tape wrapped around it. Everyone was stopping to look so traffic backed up. I get to my driveway and the man that bought the land behind us is walking down the middle of my long driveway. He sees me behind him and stays in the middle no matter how close I get to him..... So I idle down the driveway and he walks across my yard to go to his land and I am finally home. Cats, kittens, dogs, iguana, chickens.... ALL want food right then even though they had been fed before I left. My phone is ringing and its my neighbor Fran wanting to know if I am home and how things are.... I talk to her, feed the animals and try to eat something but Dimples wanted it more than me so ate my chicken salad sandwich. I am going to take a shower, get in my jammies and watch a movie! If tomorrow is anything like today... I will send you all a postcard from the North Pole! Before you ask, I have counted my blessings all day. Everytime something went wrong I thought of how worse it could have been and said a silent thanks. Besides I had all of you sending good thoughts and prayers out for me or my day would have been a lot worse!!!! Have a great weekend!


DonnaB said...

Days like this can be's just a day to grow in patience!

Maggie Ann said...

What a day!! Hope the rest of the year makes it up to you! Hugs to you Peggy.

Leanne said...

You deserve to sleep in tomorrow with breakfast served to you in bed! I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way that you'll have a stress free and relaxing weekend...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am speachless. If I win lotto tonight, I am sending you an assistant. Please oh please take it easy dear friend. Many hugs, xoxox

Gail said...

We have all had days like these,hope tomorrow is better for you. Happy thoughts Gail

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Well now since I am tired!! Sandy

Miss Robyn said...

half way through that day, I would be wondering what I had done in a past life to deserve it all. then promptly would have opened a bottle of red. or pulled my hair out. guess it is all over, one thing to be thankful for.