Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Edited to add that yes that is a chicken on Miss Diva's head and she doesn't mind except if they peck her then she will butt them! I took this in the evening so you could see the chickens going to roost.
I am getting ready to send an email to McMurry's about my "pullets". They are now 3 months old and we can tell if they are or are not hens. While we were admiring the new chicken/goat house we started watching the chickens and counting how many roosters we have. I ordered 25 brown laying pullets and out of those 25 I have 3 big ole roosters. I ordered 25 bantam pullets and out of those 25 I have 6 roosters. Yes, we are positive we have 9 roosters from a order of all pullets! We knew we were hearing a lot of crowing from what we thought was 6 roosters so after observing we counted 9. I can't have that many roosters because they are already fighting with each other. I am going to trade a couple with my neighbor for a 2 laying hens. Going to try to sell the others except for Topper. A lady down the road has a female and is going to take him and let her hen set on the eggs so we both can have baby chicks with the funny hairdo! Hidden Haven Zoo is going crazy. While William and a neighbor were working on the roof of the chicken house I walked over to Fran's to give her some milk. Miss Diva saw me leave and even though she had 2 people in the lot with her to keep her company she went to the end near Fran's house and stood there and cried till William yelled at me to come home cause they couldn't stand the noise. I walk back to the yard and she shuts up. Then we tore down the old chicken shed I had built since they had their new one and the chickens are confused! They kept trying to fly up on the fence where the old shed was so they could roost there. That wouldn't work cause 1. its made of chicken wire and not that sturdy to roost on and 2 the dog lot is on that side and they sit there just waiting for a chicken to fall or fly over to their side. We stayed outside till way after dark talking and walking chickens to their new house up their new ladder to their new roosting posts. Once there they loved it and are going back easy now. Only the bottom has walls right now because we have such hot summers we are leaving the top sides open so the chickens can have air. Miss Diva who was use to being able to reach the roosting posts and knock them down so the chickens were closer to her tried to climb up the chicken ladder and when that didn't work she tried to stand on her hind legs and reach the posts to knock them down near her. That didn't work either so I had to go and sit with her and rub her head till she settled down to sleep. William and I both felt like we had small children again. We both were so tired we fell asleep watching TV before 9pm! We were in bed asleep before 10pm. William has gone to Lexington to get some things done there and I am going to try to catch up on my housework since I have done nothing inside while he has been home. We are going to try to go canoeing this weekend and grill out for Memorial Day. He will be heading out Tuesday and I will back to my normal schedule. I am making cheese right now and it is such a easy recipe! Take 2 quarts of goatmilk and heat to almost boiling, add 1/4 cup of lemon juice and turn off the heat under the pot. Stir and let sit till cools. Pour into a cheese cloth and squeeze some of the liquid out. Tie and hang the cheese in the cloth and let drain. You can squeeze the cloth once in a while. Once the liquid has all drained out put the cheese in a covered container and store in the fridge. This makes a spreadable cheese to which you can eat like it is or add peppers, olives, seasonings etc to spice it up. I made another batch of soaps and am having such good luck selling them! I got or rather Miss Diva got the nicest compliment on Etsy that I have to share with you.
This was left in my feedback section of Etsy:
Love you Miss Diva! My daughter has real sensitive skin and everything gives her a rash. 2 days with this miracle DIVA soap and they are almost gone and her skin is soft!!!
That made my day! She even ordered 7 more bars of soap! I am really counting my blessings today. I have been blessed so much in so many areas. I hope your day and life has filled with blessings.


Anonymous said...

And you say I"M busy?! lol.
Glad you are getting lots done while William is home :)

BTW, I got my soaps the other day, but I haven't used them yet - I'm being frugal and using what I have first! Tha packaging was beautiful, thak you so much - I will leave feedback on etsy for you soon :)


DonnaB said...

Way to go Mrs. Peggy and Miss Diva on helping that girl overcome her rash...that's got to feel really good to be such a blessing!

Anonymous said...

I love hearing about Miss Diva and her chickens... well it sounds like they are her little children. Thank you for the cheese recipe... I would love to try to make my own chees, though I will now have to find some goats to milk lol, hmmmmm I wonder how that will go. I will be ordering some delicious soap from you in the next week or so Peggy... can't wait. Hugs xox

Miss Robyn said...

Peggy, this is a wonderful post and each time I visit and read, it feels like I am there with you. thanks for that. I love ms*diva, I adore ms*diva - I want a ms*diva!!!! I must get to and order some soaps before you become too famous and run out. Congrats on the business, well done!!!!!
hugs to you my friend xoxo

WendyAs said...

Chickens are so nice to have. Fresh eggs. I need to set up a coop. I bet the cheese is lovely.

gal artist said...

I didn't realize you made the soap from goat's milk, that is pretty cool.

I am giving you the letter G.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Peggy I am so not a farm girl but I just love reading all about your adventures. I think you should write a book about your life on Hidden Haven. Hugssss

Mindy said...

canoeing for Memorial fun!!! I have said this before but it bears repeating....I love to read about your days on your homestead!! Enjoy dear...blessings xo

Tee/Tracy said...

It sounds like chaotic fun over there! :)

Rosa said...

I just love that goat!