Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Photos of Family Picnic

Here are some photos of the family picnic I went to Saturday.
Sitting down are Uncle Elmer and Uncle Bob. Standing are Uncle Pete (he just got married), Aunt Judy, Uncle Kelly and Aunt Elizabeth.
Uncle Bob walked the Appalacian Trail after he retired. He was hiking when he had to be airlifted off a trail. That was when they found out he had stomach cancer.
My cousin Wanda's husband Tim with one of our second cousins that I hadn't seen since she was a baby tubing down Deep Creek.
Some of my second cousins playing in the creek.


Miss Robyn said...

oh my! Elmer was my dad's name. I hadn't heard it ever before except for him !
that water looks fabulous. I love swimming in rivers - well, I did when I was a kid.

Rosa said...

Oooh, it looks so cool in that water. I'm so sorry about your uncle. I know it must be tough.

Leslie said...

Wow, your family really knows how to throw a 'do'!