Saturday, September 16, 2006

50th Anniversary Picnic for Uncle Bob and Aunt Judy

Had a great time. Kids went tubing all afternoon in that cold cold water. Had lots of food, lots of fun, lots of conversation. Sold lots and lots of soap as some family members wanted it for Christmas gifts for the office. Took some of Miss Diva's cheese and have been told I can only come to family get togethers if I bring more cheese. I made 2 different kinds and didn't bring any back home so think it was a hit. I am so glad I went and am not tired even though I drove over 700 miles. I am so blessed with such a wonderful family!!


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

sounds like a perfectly lovely day for all the blessed you are indeed!

oh and I WILL be ordering soap from can I possibly resist!!

Miss Robyn said...

looks like you had a great day! my dad's name was Elmer! of course your soap is a hit - it is the best in the world, far as I am concerned and if the cheese is made from the same goat - ms*diva, there couldn't be anything wrong with it.

Rosa said...

How sweet. Love the slideshow. They're my favorite. Like Cousin Eddy's bike!!!