PS Sammikin is home! She made the 3 and a half hour drive standing up the whole way looking out the windows of the camper shell. When we stopped for fuel someone ask if she was for sale. She has a better bloodline than Diva but we sure won't tell Diva that! Sammi and Diva had to do the butting head thing so Diva could let her know she was the lead princess around here. Nitro was jealous and kept wanting to butt me so I had to play with him for a little while. Sammi is doing the crying thing since she is in a new place. I had forgotten that Diva cried for days when we first brought her home. As long as I am outside with Sammi she is happy, walking around checking things out and eating. When I come in she cries. Hopefully it will only last a few days. I also got to see Sammi's little baby buck. He was so cute and so tiny! I can't wait for Diva to have her babies! Well I need to go back and check on the "royal children". On another note haven't heard from Mary yet so don't know if Amber has had her baby yet but will try to call for info. Have a great evening.

Awwww I'm so glad to hear that Sammi is now with you safe and sound:-) It won't take her long to realize how very lucky she is to be at Hidden Haven Homestead!! She certainly is a beauty...oh but of course Ms Diva is THE beauty queen!! hehe xox
Glad Sammi made a safe journey!! I think you should bring her inside if she cries!! Hopefully it won't last long. I'm sure she'll soon become fast pals with Diva!!
She is beautiful! (Don't tell Ms. D!) I love her markings. Congrats on your new addition!! xo
She certainly is a lovely looking goat. Only a picture of her business end will tell us if she is equipped to be a great producer!
Peggy, so now we are definitely in "goat heaven" at your place!! Gracious!! Glad to know that Sammi made it "home" safely!! Soon everyone will be FRIENDS!!
Oooh, she's gorgeous! I hope I get some babies half as pretty when Miss Summer kids in about 6 weeks or so. So, are you milking her, and how much are you getting? I haven't seen (or don't remember) whether or not you have a milking room; I can't imagine being without my nice milking room with my lovely homemade milk stand (room for goat, gear *and* me!)
Sammi is a very pretty girl!
And I suspect also a very lucky girl.
Sammi is going to love life at your homestead. She doesn't know what a lucky goat she is!
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