It has been a busy but different kind of day. Had lots of limbs and branches down from the storm last night but we were lucky and had no tornados. Nitro will not leave Sammi alone as in he wants to be right beside her all the time. He wants her to stand by him, to lay by him and if she doesn't he tries to be a bully. I have Sammi locked in her stall so Nitro is in the next stall looking between the boards so he can see Sammi. Diva could care less and goes about her own business. I went out last night during the storm and all 3 of them were in the same stall sleeping. I woke them up and put the girls together for the night and left Nitro in his stall alone. He wasn't happy but they all were asleep when I went back out to check on them. The bead board in the dining room is painted! Am picking out the hardwood flooring in the morning. Jane and I were going to the bread store to get bread for the chickens today but Jane wanted to stop at a new store first and we spent so much time in there that we had to hurry back so she could babysit her grandchildren. We are going in the morning after I pick out the flooring to some thriftstores, fleamarkets and the bread store! I finally found time to get my hair cut yesterday and Donna had time to cut it so it worked out great. Bought some blueberry bushes and pansies to set out sometime tomorrow. I just love working in the dirt! Have a book review to finish up and a couple of movies I need to watch so I can send them back. Have tons of laundry to sort through as I am getting out our warm weather clothes and packing away alot of our cold weather clothes. Going to thin out lots as there are way too many clothes around here for only 2 people. William finally left California and on his way to Salt Lake City. Hopefully he will get home soon. Shipped out 9 packages of soap orders day before yesterday and had 7 more today. Soap business is picking up and my spring scents are selling well. I am going to be doing a spring cleaning in my soap shop while I make more soaps this weekend. All in all this day was just filled with this and that but nothing important. I was asked if I had a milking pallour for my goats. No, not yet. That is in the plans for spring. Right now I close the goats in their stall and milk. Diva is down to once a day and thats almost ready to end till she has her babies. Sammi is giving almost 2 quarts a day right now and is milked twice a day. I think once she settles in she will give even more milk. Don't forget about the One World One HeART give away. Scroll down to the previous post and read all about it.
The photo is from last night when I woke them up and moved Diva and Sammi. They were all laying side by side and weren't too happy with me.

Some weather we having. I saw on the news the tornado they're having in the southwest.
I complain about having snow in March. I don't recall having snow this late in season and I talked to some other people and they don't recall snow being this late ethier
We woke up to a snowstorm this morning..ugh! It was so windy as well, the windows rattled all day long. I don't know how you find all the energy to do everything you do in one must go to bed completely exhausted every night! lol Loved the picture of Nitro, Ms Diva and Sammi:-) xox
Peggy, I love the pictures of your goats.I did not know that you make soap.I use a hand lotion with goats milk in it.I will check out your soap. Baba
My feast is up!!!
Hi Peggy! Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the contest - I'm so glad I came over to see yours - I love bunnies and handmade soap - please toss my name in your hat for the contest.
Hi Peggy , Love your goats. I,m going to order some of your soaps.
Do you drink the goats milk? I've been considering getting some goats.We're trying to start a homesteading lifestyle.
If you need more blueberry bushes ,
please let me know. My Grandmother's homeplace has lots of sprouts and I would be happy to send you some bushes.I planted a sprout last year and it starting to bud , of course it won't produce for a couple years but I thrilled that it's living. My sister has one that is producing every year and we cherish the fact that it came from Grandma's roots.
Hope your weekend's wonderful !
You exhaust me! Wow! Look at Nitro with all his women folk. No wonder they named him Nitro! hehe. We've had wind now for two days. At least the sun is out!
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