Thursday, March 01, 2007

One World One HeART

Its Time!!! Lisa has this great ideal and I have been waiting patiently (yeah right) for the first of March so I could post my give away and join the fun. Check out what its all about here: then go visit all the different blogs and leave comments so you get in the drawings for free stuff! Here is what I am giving away in my drawing. People who leave comments between now and March 21st will be entered in the drawing. My give away is a bunny basket with a bar of handmade cotton blossom goat milk soap, a stuffed bunny and candy. So come on let me see those comments!


Hope said...

Hi Peggy,
You know I want in on the fun again!! Could I be so lucky a second time??
I'm glad you finally got home Sammi and I hope she is adjusting well!
I'm enjoying your Celtic music too!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hi!! I have always wanted to try some of that soap. If I were rich or just HAD some money I would order some from you. Guess I need to get a job..Smile..Sandy

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

That is cute; and I know I'd love that soap!
Please stop by my blog to enter my giveaway! :)

JoyceAnn said...

Hi Peggy , Happy you visited my blog and commented on my giveaway.I'd love to enter your giveaway.
WOW ! We're practically neighbors , I live about 30 miles north of you.
Great basket and I would love to try your soap.

One World ~~~ One Heart

Diana S said...

Hi Peggy, I'd love to win your soap. It looks yummy, but I promise I won't eat it!

Naturegirl said...

LoVe LoVE the bunny kins that you are offering us! I realy Love all the goats chickens eggs and turkey that I see here!! I'm in Florida using mt friends PC and am missing out on your blog! I have you listed at home PC on favs..keep in touch.hugs NG

Carole Burant said...

Ooooooh what a wonderful giveaway, Peggy!! I'm hoping to have mine ready in the next day or two...will post it when I'm done:-) Having had some of your soaps I know how absolutely delightful they are!! xox

karin said...

Hi Peggy! I'm particiapating also. But I won't have my giveaway up until wednesday. Please stop by and check to join Thanks, Karin

Anonymous said...

Dear Peggy,
Please include me in your give-away. I would love to try some of your soap.

I will be posting my giveaway on Sunday so please stop by.

Take care,

altermyworld said...

Oh i love bunnies and i love pink and i love to smell good so i am the perfect winner!

maggie said...

I love the music. Likewise love pink bunnies,pretty soap and candy. I'm enjoying reading your blog,too. Maggie

Gill said...

Peggy it's nice to meet you, Lisa has a way of bringing people and ideas together so well!
Did I read this correctly...heating and cooking with wood? You sound like one busy lady! 9 grandchildren???? Wow, lucky you.
I hope you come over and enter my draw too. I love your goats!

Michelle said...

What a cute bunny basket!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I really enjoy your blog and lovereading about your farm life....the give away bunny basket is adorable...

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

You are another one I added to the link list but neglected to enter my name...I love the I am officially entering my name. Your soap is THE best!!

Dana said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing :) What a cute and generous offer!


Claire said...

This is just TOO adorable!!
Please put my name in the draw. I'll be posting my giveaway shortly :o)

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

I'd love to put my name in, too, for the basket with your lovely soap!! Do you have an etsy shop, too? I'll have to find you and heART your shop!! miracles,

Anonymous said...

Dear Peggy,
A neighbor and friend introduced me to your blog and I'm addicted, it has become a daily habit for me! Life's simple pleasures bring contentment! Looking forward to tomorrow's entry!

ikkinlala said...

I'd love to enter your draw.

Anonymous said...

Oh please enter me. That is such a cute bunny.

nici said...

How Cute!Count me in!
You can check out my offering here;

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love your soap so I am in!!!

Artifax said...

What a cute little bunny! And that soap sounds wonderful! Please enter me! I'm participating too and would love to have you stop by my blog, if you get a chance.

karin said...

Soo cute!! I would love to win the bunny and soap! Please include me in your drawing! I'm participating also if you would like to stop by....karin @

Suzanne said...

What a fun idea! Please enter me in your giveaway.

suzanne -
the farmers wife - visit me at

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Please enter me in the contest. Thank you! :)

Betzie said...

Please enter me...I love goats and soap and bunnies! :))

Anonymous said...

please enter me! Thanks!!!

Dragonlady said...

Your bunny basket is so cute and I would love to win for the soap..please add me to your drawing and go enter mine as well....

vicci said...

So adorable! Please enter my name! Thank-you!

Patty said...

That is so sweet. Please enter my name

Carrie said...

That strawberry soap looks delicious! I must go peruse your blog now :) Please count me in!

Debbie Lakies said...

I love it. Your goats are adorable. Come see my give away.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Peggy I do hope you'll pop over and add your name to my giveaway!!

Veleta (Sammy) said...

to cute for words... please add my name...

and would love to see you go to my blog and sign up for mine!

Anonymous said...

wow, you sound like one busy lady! 9 grandchildren, too!
I'd love to be included in your drawing, and if you have time come by my place for min!

Lisa said...

mmm I smell like sasparilla right this minute, thanks to Ms. Diva! I'd love to win your fun prize. Please count me in.:) (and come check mine out, too!)

FrostingsNSparkles said...

My goodness, that is just adorable!! Please add me :D

Lizzy said...

Oh, how cute! Please add me to your drawing! And, if you're interested, I've got a giveway going on over at my blog, too.

Beth said...

Please add me to your drawing. I Love your soap. And the Bunny is adorable.

Mippie said...

Please add my name to your drawing!! And pop on over to drop your name in my hat! xo-Melfie

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

We used to have nubians.. I miss them! What a fun give-away. Please add my name to your basket and then p[op on in to my blog and drop your name in mine as well!!

Cat said...

What a lovely prize, please add my name to your draw!

Gill said...

How sweet..!
Please enter my name. If you haven't already done so, please stop by my blog and enter for my give away...
Thank You.

Mary Timme said...

Please do enter my name for the drawing and come and visit and see what I'm giving away. It is on my March 6th blog entry.

Anonymous said...

Not only would I love to win your drawing, but I just wanted to tell you that I love your goats.

PastormacsAnn said...

Oooo, what a great giveaway - please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks.

violette said...

I would like to enter your contest please! I'd like to win some soap too!


winnsangels said...

Thanks for entering my name.