Pea's Corner gave me the thinking blogger award! How cool is that! My first blog award and from one of my favorite blog neighbors! Now I need to pass it on to 5 bloggers that make me think. That will be hard as I read lots of blogs and each one is special in its own way. My thinking blogger awards will go to :
Morning Ramble I love visiting her each morning. She posts about her day but always give you a spiritual uplifting that follows along and gives you food for thought. If you haven't visited then you really should stop by. You'll be glad you did!
Down on the Farm Not only does Marci take you on walks around her farm she shares her spiritual thoughts in such a wonderful way. She is another I have to visit every morning to jump start my day.
Oak Spring Farm This wonderful lady after retiring bought a farm from a Amish family and writes about her adventures and misadventures in a way that will keep you checking back to see if she has posted more stories and photos. She makes me feel lazy by all the things she does in a day.
Like Merchant Ships When I think I have stretched that dollar as far as it will go or there is no way I can remodel because money is tight I just go here. This lady is the queen of frugal but having a full cupboard, beautiful home, vacations and lots of fun! She always makes me rethink things so I can cut the cost but have what I want. Check her out!
Tossing Pebbles in the Stream Philip will really give you food for thought. A very wise man with a great sense of humor. Visit his blog and you will see his farm, animals, and cabin while reading some posts that will have your mind churning.
I could give lots more blogs that make me think but am only allowed 5. Now each of you that won copy and paste the award on your blog and give it to 5 bloggers that make you think!
Congratulations Ms Peggy!! I saw that you had won on Pea's blog and she picked me too! I'm overwhelmed...all of those you picked sound so very good, I can't wait to check them out!!
Thanks Peggy. Your comments were very sweet.
That is just wonderful!! I am so glad that you won an award!! I am very very happy for you!! You always deserve it as far as I am concerned. I am anxious to read the blogs that you have listed when I get some time. Again..CONGRATS...Sandy
Peggy, thanks for the award. I always have much more to say than these comment blocks can hold. Hence my occasional email.
"Bubba" has an ulcer as well a attack of insulin shock. He will be OK.
Your friend "Pea" is almost a neighbour of mine, living a hour away in the city of Sudbury. Did you notice she commented on the return of Winter and complained about a wait at the medical clinic: typical Canadian love/hate relationship to both.
Congratulations Peggy ~ couldn't go to a more wonderful lady!!
Wishing you a Happy Easter!
Congratulations on the award. You deserve it!!!
You truly deserved this award my friend:-) I didn't realize this was your first award ever won...gosh you should have won TONS by now, your blog is sooo interesting!! Phillip is right, he doesn't live very far from me, how cool is that:-) xoxo
Well, thank you so much! I'm honored and excited to check our your Hidden Haven!
Way to go on thinking Peggy...way to go;)
Congratulations Peggy on your award. You really have a wonderful blog.
You deserve it!!!!!!
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