You can see part of my new peacock pen to the left. Will be picking them up this week.
Going with Jane to visit a couple of new feed stores and ended up with more tomato plants and some other things that I need to get in the ground this evening. Did a load of laundry, went to the post office and picked up a new door knob and dead bolt. Went to see about purchasing some ducks but have to go back tomorrow. Paid a few bills, did a few etsy and ebay things and now going to go back outside and enjoy the cool of the evening to finish up some yard work. Hope you are enjoying your new month, new week and new day as much as I have enjoyed mine!
I love to visit your blog. I always leave feeling happy.
Love all your angels and you have them displayed so nicely. I just think your house looks like something out of a Country Living Magazine.
Your angels are so pretty! That deck looks very inviting!
Loved all the pictures in the post below too!
Looks like you have a view no matter where you look! Peacocks...how lovely!
You have some wonderful comments here, Peggy!! Your home does look really inviting too. I wonder how you keep that beautiful vine up with kitty kats. Mine would be trying to drag it down all of the time!! smile. Have a wonderful blessed day. Sandy
How lovely it would be to be sitting on your deck in the morning listening to the songbirds.
Today we are under a storm watch. It is coming out of the US midwest.
First it will rain and then the temperature will drop to -5C and it will snow. Winter revisited!
Love your bathroom. It reminds me of all the wonderful things I see in the Country House catalog.
Peggy, your home is delightful. I hope you enjoy your peacocks. They sure can be noisy!!! =)
Thanks so much for your prayers and you are indeed in mind. You home looks so SPRINGY! I need to do some springy things... it sure cheers up the spirit!
Peggy, it is amazing how much work you have done in the past few years. I remember when I first 'met' you and have delighted in watching Hidden Haven develop
love seeing into your world xo
thanks for the well wishes by the way - the arm is still very tender but healing xo
Hi Peggy,
Nice site, very relaxing. I was wondering, since i'm fairly new at blogging...how did you get the music? is there some HTML code list somewhere? Thankyou!!!
Thanks Peggy!!! Yes, please come back ANYTIME. The blog title is as it states...my table is open to anyone...come in sit down, enjoy a favorite cup and relax.
Hi Peggy,...My favorite place to be would be on your deck, having a tall glass of water and good conversation with you...Thanks for sharing..Baba
I so love your bathroom!!
Angels are one of my favorites too!
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