You never know what might be watching you when you visit Hidden Haven! If you look in the background you can see the oak leaves are popping open and all the trees are looking so green. We had another nice day so I decided Bud needed a little fresh air and sunshine. Since the peafowl aren't here yet I let him have the run of their pen. I even put a wooden box and ladder in for him to climb on and take a nap. He had a wonderful day but is he ever mad at me now! I had to drape a towel over him to pick him up and bring him back inside. He was hissing and smacking with his tail while trying to turn around and bite me. But he is safely back in his indoor house and pouting in the corner. When the weather gets hot he will be able to stay outdoors all summer and he will be happy again.

I didn't have the camera with me this morning but after feeding and milking I took Nitro, Diva and Sammi on a walk. They acted like kids running, kicking up their heels and playing around. They also enjoyed munching on the leaves from the little trees around the neighbors fence. Thank goodness the neighbor wants them to eat them! Nitro and Diva stay right with me but Sammi still hasn't learned to do that yet. I will have to keep her on a leash a little longer so she will understand she has to stay with me if she wants out of the pen. I put the hose on shower spray and let the ducks have fun playing in the "rain". Guess I will have to carry my camera everywhere so I can get photos. It was such a nice day watching the animals enjoy their different treats for the day. Sure kept a smile on my face!
I didn't know until now that you had an Iguana!! Nothing like having an Iguana mad at you!! He is a handsome fellow!
Ahhhh how I've missed reading your adventures on the farm the last few days! hehe Sounds like you have everything under control...I don't know how you do it, my friend! I had to laugh at Bud's behaviour when you took him back inside!! They are just like children aren't they:-) Love, love, love your bathroom...never thought I'd say that to anyone! lol The angels are just so darling and I can just see myself sitting there for ages admiring them all! teehee!! xoxo
I did not know u had a lizard..u are a woman of many animals..U should charge addmission and I will bring my kids for a day on the farm:)
I can see why the animals keep a smile on your face.
Hi. love your blog and the pics..especially the diva goat over there. It made me smile.
so do we call you Dr Peggy Dolittle? hmmm no, cause you would have to be Dr Peggy Do-alot ! !
I agree with the Peggy Do-A-Lot!!!
I think Bud's attitudes and pouting is hysterical. He has NO idea how good he has it. Thanks for sharing your day with us.
You have a fabulous home...filled with such delightful friends! What fun! What dedication!
WoW , sounds like there's alot of fun at your house. Love these stories and all your critters.
My grandson who is 2 1/2 enjoyed looking at the pics of your animals.
He loves the chickens !
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