Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Say a Little Prayer

Patrica and her husband have been going through a lot to have a baby. I don't know anyone that would be a more loving, caring mom than Patrica. I would really appreciate if you would say a little prayer for her as you go about your day. Pray that she is having a healthy normal pregnancy and all is and will be well. Thanks!


peppylady (Dora) said...

you got it.

Patricia said...

i stopped by to get your e-mail address to thank you for your kind words on perri's site. and i find this incredibly supportive post.

i can't thank you enough for this. i feel incredibly so blessed to have found so many genuinely good and loving people through blogging. i think of you and miss diva every time i use my wonderful soap. thank you again.

Rosa said...

A little prayer said.

Baba said...

Peggy, I will be saying prayers for Patricia, My daughter, Julie , is 9 weeks pregnant and needs prayers too..She has had many miscarriages and is high risk.May God give their new lives inside of them a blessed and safe life. Baba

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I read your friend Patricia's blog on her struggle to become a mother.
Is this an increading problem! it seemed so easy with our son. my wife went off the pill for a month and then she was pregnant, no problems, and then delivered a 10 pound 2 oz so in less than 6 hours.

My thoughts are with your friend Patricia, parenthood is wonderful even when you end up doing is as a single father.