Sunday, August 12, 2007

I guess its old age. I just noticed today that I had the wrong link for Oak Springs Farm when I ask you to read about the possum in the kitchen. I am sorry and I really hope you will stop by and read her post. I am still laughing though I think she is alot braver than me. I would have been afraid I would have shot everything but the possum! And if you ever doubted the power of a childs prayer you must visit KS Milkmaid's Blog. Her children prayed for several weeks and did their prayers ever get answered! I want to go shopping with Mary. She found some awesome treasures.

William bleached the water buckets for me this morning while I raked the pens. We made a trip to Tractor Supply for goat, dog, chicken and cat food. But of course we had to check out all the new items and things on sale. We came home and raked and cleaned a couple of flower beds around the back porch. William decided he would like roasted hotdogs for lunch so while he built a small fire I got the chili, onions, slaw, etc for the dogs ready. In the heat of a 96F day we roasted hotdogs having as much fun as 2 little kids. We did come inside and eat them in A/C so guess we weren't too young at heart. William laughs because everytime I go outside the ducks, geese and chickens start screaming and running toward me thinking its time for me to feed them. I keep telling them its not time yet but they follow me around till I go back inside. I am going to get him to take a picture next time I go out and will add the photo later. I will also try to add some pictures of the motorhome. William made it safely home with it but it needs some cleaning before I put any dishes or other items inside. Now if we can just find the time to take a vacation and try it out!


Anonymous said...

Nubian Goats. I love them. One of my friends raises them. And then the farm we go to called Aullwood Audubon Nature Center and Farm has them there too.

I like your blog a lot. I am a fanatic about nature and photography. Started back in 1953 in Japan and have been at it ever since. Been married for 52 years to the same lady.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo - Blog
My Website

Anonymous said...

You are living my dream :) Oh to have flocks to follow me around.....

Anonymous said...

I bet those guys following you thought they were going to hot dogs too!!!


Pear tree cottage! said...

Prggy I can just hear you with all those chickens following you.

I am sure it was exactly the same as me when we had our chickens it went like this........." HERE CHOOKY CHOOKY! HERE CHOOKY CHOOKY! HERE YOU GO BREAKFAST TIME! HERE CHOOKY CHOOKY!

Down here in Australia we call our chickens "chooks" so I am sure you can hear me yelling that at the top of my voice ((smiles))

I see all your farm yard companions are happy and well and that life is a blessing for you all. So nice to visit you today as always...........Now I'll have a doz eggs please (I wish!) you have very lucky customers nothing like true farm fresh eggs on a cold winters morning.

I have met another homesteader (cottage lifestyle) lady today who milks her goat every morning she visited my blog today also but I have lost her name from my head just this very moment....sorry.


Alice said...

Just like the Pied Piper - only with poultry, not rats - and let's hope you don't lead them to destruction, Peggy.

Hope the motor home will entice you to take some time out from your very busy life.

Terri Steffes said...

I love coming and seeing your site. I live in a small city and I enjoy visiting your very different life! I love it. Also, thank you for introducing us to different blogs, too.

Marci said...

I love the pictures of your parade. When I go out, I am surrounded by dogs and cats all thinking they deserve a treat or something!!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Peggy...what a FAN CLUB you have following you around!! I just have a thing about chickens...I think that i have told you before!! I just DO NOT like them!! BUT you do so that is all that counts!! I am so glad to be back home now. Hoping that you will be able to come to SAvannah in October. I would so love to meet you. Blessings, SAndy

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I hope you "2 kids" sliced your hot dogs and cooked "spider dogs".

Miss Robyn said...

oh Peggy, what fun! I love the photo of you and 'the girls'

Lisa said...

I haven't been able to get to KS Milkmaid in months - is there something going on? Are you able to view her site?

Lisa said...

Hi Peggy, saw your comment on my blog. I tried clicking from your site, both places, and still get the forbidden error. I wonder if my host just can't go there any longer?