Friday, August 24, 2007

I Won!

Wow! I have entered alot of give aways but this is the first time I ever won. Thank you Connie! And the best thing of all is everything has to do with chocolate! I just love chocolate!

Do you want to know why I named this chick Einstein?
When the chick hatched several hens were pecking it really badly. It had a hole in its head and I thought it wouldn't make it. I moved it and Sister to their own pen. The chick is doing great except for part of its top being off on the side. Sister is now sitting on more eggs so Einstein will be moving out soon.


JoyceAnn said...

Yummy winnings , Peggy. I love some chocolate myself. Einstein has the same hairdo , that's so cute (LOL). I've been catching up on your blog , had to read all the animal adventures I missed , while on vacation.
Hope your weekend is wonderful.

~~~ Happy Hugs ~~~

Terri Steffes said...

What a neat gift! I am so excited for you and I love Einstein's story!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

THAT is the BEST name for that poor chicken!! You named it just right!! funny!! I showed my hubby how rightly you named this animal. I am always telling him and showing him all of your animals. He is going to happy to finally meet this lady!! Blessings for a wonderful weekend..

Baba said...

Hi Peggy, Your chocolate looks good.The chick is better looking than Einstein..Enjoy your week-end.. Baba

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I love quality chocolate but these days it reminds me of the slave labour that harvested in. I eat less chocolate these days.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Your Einstein is adorable!!

Thanks for checking out my Blog recently. YOurs is so much fun!