Sandy has tagged me for a couple easy meme's. I will try to get back on later tonight to post. William has been home, we have had company, plus cutting more firewood so haven't had much free time. Hope everyone is having a blessed Labor Day Weekend!
Where did you meet your husband? In Cherokee, NC
What was the first thing you said to your husband?Hi
Where was the first kiss? first date? First date was couple weeks later and first kiss was a week after that
Did you have a long or short courtship/engagement? short
Where did you get engaged? In Franklin, NC He had taken a ring of mine to get repaired and when he gave it back it wasn't only my ring but he had put a engagment ring in the box too.
Where did you get married? Raeford, NC
How did the reception go? Small with friends, neighbors, grandchildren
How was the honeymoon?No honeymoon as I had 2 of my grandchildren because daughter and son in law were deployed.
One Word Meme (Now this was hard...limiting it to just one word. I mean, Try it)
1. Where is your mobile phone? desk
2. Relationship? Married
3. Your hair? Brown
4. Work? no
5. Your sister(s) - deceased
6. Your favorite thing? homesteading
7. Your dream last night? Nothing
8. Your favorite drink? Tea
9. Your dream car?hybrid
The room you’re in? livingroom
11. Your shoes? workboots
12. Your fears? economy
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? homesteading
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Hubby
15. What are you not good at? patience
16. Muffin? Blueberry
17. Wish list item? solarpanels
18. Where you grew up? North Carolins
19. The last thing you did? cooked
20. What are you wearing? bluejeans
21. What are you not wearing? Earrings
22. Your pet? everything
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? Happy
25. Your mood? tired
26. Missing? Family
27. What are you thinking about? nap
28. Your car? Nissan
29. Your kitchen? Bad
30. Your summer? Hot
31. Your favorite color? red
32. Last time you laughed? Today
33. Last time you cried? movie
34. School?college
35. Love? yes
Yeah, Peggy you did good!! I thought these were fun for a change. Thanks for doing them..Hope your weekend went well. We painted our downstairs and it is all done!! WHEW!! Glad of that big job!! Have a great week. Sandy
I did the One Word meme today too...not the marriage one, though, because it's not something I like to talk about! lol We've been separated for the last 6 years but still share the's not the happiest of arrangements but we have no choice for now. Thank God I have Steve in my life, he keeps me sane:-) Loved all your answers!! xoxo
Great answers, especially to the one word post, that would be HARD!
love these Peggy ! short and sweet xo
hey girl....i think i will skip the marriage one and i already did the one word one.
How have you been?
Long time no talk
Nice answers.
One was wrong-work.
You sure do work, & very hard!
fun stuff. I'm just cracking up at your music because Sophie is just standing here beside me practially doing a jig to it.
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