Sunday, September 16, 2007

Welcome To My Neighborhood!

Kathleen has chosen today as Welcome to My Neighborhood Day. Check her blog for links to all who are taking part so you can visit their neighborhood.

Well, lets head down my driveway and see what's around my neighborhood.

We live out in the country in one county but also live at the edge of the city limits of another county.

At the end of our driveway is a nice little country 2 lane road.

But it's only a couple of a minute drive on this road, through a housing development
Till we get to the busy 4 lane highway. ( How I got a photo with no traffic is a miracle)This busy road takes me to my FAVORITE place to shop! Where I spend most of my time away from the homestead.
From Tractor Supply I go on down the highway to my grocery store.
I go here every other day because my produce guy Jerry saves me the discarded leaves for my rabbits.
Since we left out early this morning I think we need to stop and get a biscuit and ice tea. No one makes biscuits or sweet tea like Bojangles and its 5 minutes from home!
Unfortunately there is a Walmart in this shopping center too. I only go there if I can't get what I need somewhere else so that's not very often.
I do use the pack and ship shop in this center several days a week. The ladies there are awesome!

From here we will go over to the feed store. Though I get most of my feed from Tractor Supply I get my alfalfa and special items and lots of advice from Lake Rim Feed and Seed. They also sell some of my soaps here.While we are on this road I will show you the park where some of us ladies walk early mornings in the fall, winter and spring. (summer is too hot) This park has really nice walking trails.
Right up the road from the rec park is a wildlife park. They raise and release fresh water fish. They have classes on fly fishing and father/son and mother/daughter fishing weekends.

I am so lucky to have all the places within 5 minutes of our home. One of my favorite places to visit is Gillis Farms. Not only do they have the best homemade ice cream anywhere(and sell my soaps) I can get lots of fresh veggies too.
When the soldiers fly over the Gillis Farm they see the flag painted on the roof and know its time to get ready for their jump.
Going the other way down the country 2 lane road will take us to a community named Rockfish.
Rockfish is where we go to take our garbage to a small waste/recycle station. There is also a very small grocery( Harden's) that has a really good butcher and the best cuts of meats for the lowest prices around.
I don't know where this couple get their fruits and veggies they sell on the side of the road but they have the sweetest watermelons I have ever eaten! Along the both sides of the roads around our home are fields of cotton, soybeans, and the tobacco stalks from where the leaves have already been picked.The tobacco in this area gets the leaves picked then they are cured in a tobacco barn that is heated. Where I grew up we cut the tobacco stalks and hung the whole stalk in the barn and it was air cured. Right down the road from our home is a nice little country church. I love the ladies circle meetings!We are very blessed to live where we are. To have the town and the country at our fingertips. I could take you to beautiful downtown Fayetteville and Ft Bragg but I wanted to show you the places I usually go to within 5 minutes of our home. And besides its getting late and you have other neighborhoods to visit. Bye and y'all come back now, ya hear!


Rachel said...

Well I enjoyed that tour!! You live in a pretty part of the country. I have never seen tobacco stalks with no leaves on. How did they do that?? Is it a new thing?? Here they still cut the tobacco on the stalk and hang it up to cure.
Very interesting!!

tlawwife said...

Your pictures brought back great memories!

I thought of you yesterday you would have loved the beautiful very white goats at the farm.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Thanks for the tour. I have a better mental picture for when you mention places you go to on your blog.

I missed so much from the Freeway when I was in Fayetteville.

Jeanne said...

Love to you my sweet friend and how nice to see your neighborhood.
Love and kisses.

Anonymous said...

Just lovely!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I forgot to get my pictures taken so had better go get busy...yours are great!! I love this idea!! Sandy

La Dolce Vita with LeAnn said...

What a fun trip, thank you for sharing. My dh spent 2 years in NC while serving a mission for our church. He loves your towns, people, and food. We would love to visit again.

Carole Burant said...

I so loved going on the drive with you to explore your neighbourhood:-) You are very much like me...I'm more in the countryside but yet I'm only 10 minutes away from the city so have the best of both worlds! You live in a wonderful area and now I want to come visit you even more:-) xox

peppylady (Dora) said...

Thank you for the tour of your neighborhood.
It amazing how things are different but interesting.

We don't have a wal-mart here in my neighborhood and actual one time we did grow tobacco in North Idaho I thought it had pretty flowers on it but we were clueless how to haverest it.

Terri Steffes said...

What a great tour! I hope you come over and see mine, too!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely area. I enjoy the country living aspect and to think you have great biscuits and iced tea to boot!

It's fun to think of the jumpers and the flag painted on the roof. I love that.

Thanks for the tour. That was so much fun.

Jen said...

Well I loved my tour of your sweet town. I have seen lots of corn and tobacco in my town but we dont have cotton...and that is a rare treat to see.....I enjoyed it.

Overwhelmed! said...

Loved the car tour of your neighborhood. You live in a beautiful area! :) Thanks for sharing.

My “Welcome to My Neighborhood” post is right here.

Ms. Kathleen said...

Wow, what a fabulous area you live in and bravo to you for sort of boycotting Wally World! I do the same. I try to shop at locally owned businesses.

I love the lake and you being so close to things. The sunset at the end is beautiful!

Thank you so much for participating in Welcome to My Neighborhood! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

You sure didn't leave anything out Peggy! Thanks for the grand tour and it looks like a nice place to live.

Tammy said...

Loved your post!

I've been spending at least one day a week at our Tractor Supply to buy cat food! That cat is getting bigger and!

We were out and about in our countryside yesterday and both made note of the lack of tobacco and remembering how it smells in Ky this time of year with all the barns firing. I guess I'll always remember that smell!

Have a great day!

Anita said...

Great tour! Great place... :)

Sandra said...

Great tour, I loved it :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tour. Enjoyed it very much!

FarmHouse Style said...

A gal after my own heart! I wish we had a Tractor Supply, but I make do at our local feed and seed. There are some great folks there.
Thanks for the lovely tour.

Tee/Tracy said...

What a nice town. I love this idea for a blog entry. I wonder if there's a way to do it without revealing my actual specific location, though. LOL.

I *LOVE* the part about Jerry! :)

Baba said...

Thanks Peggy for sharing your neighborhood... My dad and brother were jumpers in the 101st airborne unit. I would love to watch the men jump.... Home made ice cream sounds great...I love the flag painted on the roof.. I was out of town and missed this post.It looked like a lot of fun. Baba

Rosa said...

I loved your tour! Thank you. What a wonderful idea. xo