I have been tagged by Hope to take part in this hoopla. Here are the rules:
1. List 12 random things about yourself that have to do with Christmas.
2. Please refer to it as a 'hoopla' and not the dreaded 'm'-word. I suppose that refers to the 'M'eme list.
3. You have to specifically tag people when you're done. None of this "if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged" stuff is allowed...then nobody ends up actually doing it. The number of people you tag is really up to you -- but the more, the merrier to get this 'hoopla' circulating through the blogosphere.
4. Please try and do it as quickly as possible.
And here are 12 things about me and Christmas.
1. I go way overboard on Christmas. Not the money part of it but the making memories part. My girls have great memories of our Christmas' and I want the grands to have even better ones. I try to do too much in too short of a time.
2. I love the smell of Christmas trees but have fake ones in my home.
3. I miss seeing the expression on young faces Christmas morning when they see what Santa left.
4. I love watching White Christmas every year even if no one else likes the movie.
5. I love finding that perfect gift and have a hard time keeping it a secret from the receiver.
6. I always get teary eyed each year when we read Happy Birthday Jesus. This year more so when the grands wrote one thing to Jesus they were thankful for and burnt their message so the smoke would carry their thank yous to heaven.
7. I enjoy having our family Christmas weekend early so that I can just relax and watch Christmas programs on Christmas Day. Its a day to count my blessings and just enjoy the reason of the season.
8. We didn't have a lot of money growing up but we always had a fun and magical Christmas. Santa always found a way to make our Christmas filled with surprises and laughter.
9. My favorite carol is O Holy Night. I sing it all year to myself. ( I can't carry a tune)
10. I love finding new things to use for gift wrap. This year I wrapped everyone gifts in newspaper and tied with ribbon I had in my craft stash.
11. I love finding things and filling the 20 stockings each year. Seeing the stockings hanging makes me feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family.
12. Hearing my daughter read the Christmas story each year and the look on the grands and adults faces as we sing Happy Birthday Jesus is the best part of every Christmas!
I hope Mary and Annie will join in this hoopla and pass it on.
I don't think that i could come up with 12 things. You are the MEMORY MAKER for sure and that is a wonderful thing that you have done for your children and now your grands.
You sound a lot like me...I love making the memories at Christmas time...it is more important than any wrapped gift I could receive. I too, have used newspaper as gift wrap. One year when I was trying to be frugal and of course "green" I wrapped all my adult gifts in newspaper and tied it up with a big red bow. I wrapped the childrens gifts in the Sunday funnies...very colorful...so I used red and white check on these...it was really a cool look...and very economical...too fun!
Blessings...and Merry Christmas to you and all of your family!
P.S. How is Miss Fran doing these days? Any word as to when she may get to come home?
Love it! Beth tagged me and I'm working on it. I'm so boring.
Hi Peggy,
Thanks for playing the Hoopla game. I thought it was fun and I've enjoyed reading your 12 things.
One thing I noticed in the pictures of your family gathering was the difference in the looks on the kids faces during the Christmas story and Happy Birthday, Jesus. They were so solemn and serious. I enlarged those pics so I could see better. Then again when they were reading and burning their thank-you's. That was so precious.
Thanks for sharing all that family time with us.
Hi Peggy, Thanks for tagging me!
I will start working on my list later today and try to get it posted tonight!
I so enjoyed reading the 12 Christmas facts about you, sis! You definitely know that true meaning of Christmas and like you, I always try to make every one of them special for my family. I had trouble finding stuff to put in Corey's stocking, never mind for 20 of them! lol Love your traditions!! xoxo
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