God has again blessed me with so much that there isn't anything I really need for myself. So Santa I am again asking you for a few things for my dear friends and family. I know you are a very busy man and I am getting my letter to you a little late this year but could you and the elves see what you can do?
For my dear adopted Sis, Pea I am hoping you have a little bag of magic you can leave in her stocking to take away her fear of flying. I would really love for her to visit me and Diva. It would be such a wonderful gift to have her here at the homestead!
For my Farmer Blu's wife Down on the Farm would you leave some special chew toys for her dogs Dixie and Star? And maybe a nice book and special blend of tea for her to enjoy by the fire?
For my friend Annie it would be nice if you could give her and her husband Allen a nice dinner out and a break from the chores for one evening. They would love it I am sure.
And Santa for Sue over at Country Pleasures could you please give her the desire to write a book? She has such fantastic crafts and decorated home ideals that she needs to share that gift!
Santa could you make sure the electric stays on over at Crazy Cow Country Farms? If not she might just really go crazy if she has to go to her brother in laws to do laundry!
I just know that Farm House Style would love a white Christmas Santa. That would be a easy one for you, don't you think?
For my dear friend Ang over at Eclectic Farms could you put a couple cases of organic similac under her tree. That stuff is really expensive and she would be very appreciative.
Lib has been such a blessing as a blog neighbor and friend. Santa she is wanting to help her neighbors and friends more in the coming year. Could you put some extra specials things under the tree that she can use to help those in need around her part of the neighborhood?
Santa, Patty over at Morning Rambles has given me food for thought almost every day. She lives her simple life to the fullest and counts every blessing. Could you find a plane ticket in your bag of gifts for her daughter and son in law to use to visit her? It sure would put a smile on her face if you could.
Could you find a buyer for Julia's Oak Spring Farm? She is ready to start a new adventure and though we will miss reading about her farm life I know that would make her very happy.
While we are still on that subject Santa could you also help Amy find a buyer for her home? She is wanting to move to her new land so she and her family can live a more simply life and have enough room to grow more gardens and have more animals. I just know you have someone in mind you cute little man.
Rosanne is a fantastic writer Santa. I really think a contract with a publishing company for a series of books would be the perfect gift for her. You should read some of her stories, you can't stop until the end and then you are sad because you finished it!
All Philp has ask for this year is books. I think you should leave him a box of books under the tree but also make sure his water pipes and pump don't freeze this winter. Hate to think of him having to get out in the cold cold weather trying to haul water or fix his.
Santa, could you possibly help Woody over at Woody's Rocky Ridge? He had a fall and bruised his tailbone and is having a hard time sitting and doing chores. Hope there is something in your bag of tricks to help him out.
Copper's Wife is such a blessing to everyone. There is very little this sweet lady needs but if you could take away the virus on her laptop and keep all her computers virus free I know she would be truly thankful. Bet she would even bake up a batch of cookies just for you!
Rhonda at Down to Earth has an almost perfect life. She is living the simple life and is sharing what she learns with those of us wanting to learn more. She never asks for anything and is always giving her time and energy to help others. On Christmas morning Santa she, her family and others in the community will be serving and sharing breakfast with those in need and everyone that wants to stop by. So Santa what I am asking is if you could talk to the Big Guy upstairs and make sure that every single person at this breakfast goes away with a happy heart, full tummy and a special blessing to carry them through the New Year. I think that would be a awesome gift for a awesome lady.
Donna, got a really nice camera as a early Christmas gift. Could you possibly help her find all the buttons and gadgets easy to learn and operate? She would be ever so happy.
Dear Santa, Rosa has been doing some remodeling in her kitchen so things got kinda crazy around her house. Could you bring her some peace, quiet and relaxing time? Oh and a plumber if you have one handy!
Lady Laurie has been so patiently working on her home since the hurricane. Could you help things move a little faster for her so she can get back into her home and enjoy the New Year?
Santa could you make sure the weather is clear so Terri's sister can make it home for Christmas. Put some extra special love under their tree as it will her first Christmas without their dad.
For my dear friend Robyn, Frosty Dan and Brown Robyn have ask that you bring her something extra special under the tree. Could you also fill her heart and home with the best Christmas magic she has ever experienced?
For my friend Lisa could you add a few neat looking birdhouses and feeders under her tree? Maybe pass the word among the birds that she has the best bed and seed in the states. And maybe some craft supplies in her stocking would be nice.
For my very special friend Mary I ask you to bring her the love of someone special. This lady is one very special, caring, devoted person and I know there is someone out there waiting to sweep her off her feet.
And over at Patricia's could you make the test come back positive and deliver her special package in 9 months? That would be the best Christmas present ever! And I am sure you have a little something in your sack for Indi too.
Over at Jeanette's she keeps us laughing with her jokes. I think she would enjoy some shrubs and plants for her backyard and maybe a joke book or two since I know she will share them with us.
My sweet friend Jeanne would love to have a free unlimited call from her children overseas. Make this Christmas extra special for her and let her know Mom is watching over her.
I think the perfect gift for Meggie would be more time as she seems to not have enough and a beautiful garden and lawn weed free and safe from anything or anyone digging it up! And a up todate bottle of alcohol in her stocking wouldn't hurt.
I just love visiting Mary's blog! She has the best decorating talent. I would love it if you could give her a ticket to fly to England that could be used over and over whenever she wanted. Just make sure its round trip cause I want her back!
Give my friend Judy a Christmas Day filled with memories. She is so good about sharing with us I want her to have lots of memories to share over the next year.
I hope you find a way to slow time down for Nicole. She has so many things going on with all her talent we don't get to visit with her very often. I think she would love a break no matter how short.
How about we give Baba a nice book, a rainy day to read it, with a bowl of fresh raspberries and whip creme to enjoy.
For my bud Kristie could you drop off a big package of my soaps and lotions to her? I want to make sure she gets the first new ones I am listing after the holidays.
Kathleen would appreciate having her back pain go away. That would bring her joy as she could play and pick up her grandbaby freely.
For my very very dear friend Sandy, I would truly like it if you could find a very special minister for her church. I can't think of anything that would make her happier except more memory making time with her grands.
Santa, Rachel has been a good little elf and been feeding stray kitties. Could you leave some big bags of really good tasting catfood under her tree. She would make sure all the little critters got plenty to eat. And maybe a unlimited gas card as she drives to a farm to feed them.
I would love if you could give Terry and Carol a stressfree, funfilled wedding rehearsal for their son. And maybe throw in a plane ticket back to Hidden Haven for another visit. Make it for when the dogwoods are really blooming!
For my awesome friend Perri that always makes me laugh or gives me ideals to use on the grandkids could you pretty please stop at a truckstop on the way to her house and pick up that special wallet she is wanting? And you can even keep the reward!
I have a new blog neighbor and friend Hope that I hope you could find some Celtic cd's for and if you could also ask the Big Guy upstairs to answer her Christmas prayer that would be great.
Santa for my other blog neighbors and friends would you put a special package under their tree that when opened will fill their home with Christmas magic and the spirit of the season. They have been wonderful friends and neighbors to me and I want their Christmas to be extra special.
For my family Santa please spread some magic over their homes that will fill each one with the knowledge of all the many blessings that they share. As they celebrate Christmas may they remember to count those blessings one by one. And love, honor, forgive and respect each other as family is a very special gift not to be taken for granted.
That's about it Santa. I hope you have time to deliver my gifts to these very very special people. As for peace on earth and my other requests I am headed now to talk to the Big Guy upstairs myself.
Have a wonderful Christmas Santa and be sure and give the reindeer's the treats Diva, Sammi and the boys have left out for them. I am leaving you some cookies and goat milk next to the rocking chair so you can relax before heading back to the North Pole.
Merry Christmas Santa,
Hi Peggy,
How sweet thank you! I was stopping by to tell you to drop by and get another award.
Hope you have a Great Day!
Thank you for this very nice gift!! I really do not want anything this year but I will take that gift gladly!!
I have been wondering about Ms. Fran...How is she? I pray for her.
What a dear, sweet post!! Thank you for your special wish for me.....looks like it's all to be granted, too!
Merry Christmas, dear one!
Thank you Peggy, what a nice gift! I hope that you and William have a Wonderful Christmas and a very happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
You are a special person and I am very glad to have you as a friend!
Blessings to everyone and every creature at Hidden Haven!
Thank you Peggy. That was soo sweet!
Peggy, this letter to Santa is just about the sweetest one I've ever read. Thank you so much for including me in your letter. I would write to Santa on your behalf asking him to bring you what your heart desires but you already seem to have it all!! :)
Thank you again and a great big
Cyber ((((Hug)))) to you!!
This was the sweetest post I have ever seen! Thank you for your "gift".
awwww that is so sweet and guess what ? Melissa and James will be here for two days, the night before christmas until the 26th and it was no less than a miracle !
Thank-you for including me. I would love plane tickets back to see you when the dogwoods are blooming. We had such a great time while we were there.
Peggy, I've said it before and am saying it again - you are one amazing woman!! I just don't know how you do it all - your energy seems boundless and your outlook on life so full of caring and joy which you share with everyone. This list is awesome.
Thank you so much for my sweet 'gift' and, if I may ask, could you make it two tickets so I can take you with me to enjoy the beautiful Devon countryside of my home. It's totally pastoral - no factories or heavy industry, just rolling farmland - the prettiest country ever, you'd love it!
Blessings to you, William and your entire family, including the animals - may you get some well earned rest now and then enjoy your Christmas. Hope someone is going to surprise and spoil you - and he doesn't have to be wearing a red suit!! Oh, and tie those goats up - don't want Santa thinking they're reindeer and adding them to his team!
Holiday hugs - Mary.
Oh Thankyou Peggy! You thought of everyone, & everything!
I hope you & your family- including the little woolly ones & all the feathered & furry ones, a Blessed & Joyous Christmas.
With joy & health for the New Year to come!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for my gift. Your annual wish list for your blog friends is a Christmas tradition at our house. Blessings to you and William and all the characters on your homestead as we wind down this year and head into the new one.
This without a doubt is one of the most creative posts I have seen in a while.
I truly enjoyed it.
Hi Peggy.
Just dropped in to wish you and your a Merry Christmas xx
Peggy, you are a real peach. Thank you for remembering me on your list!!!
I have an award for you over at my blog. Come on over and get it!!!
Oh, my! You are the sweetest thing to ask for a White Christmas for me. Actually, we will be up in the Smokies on Christmas Day and they are predicting snow showers!!! I can't wait:)
What a wonderful list, Peggy! And thank you so much for my Christmas wish! I might just have to use it as a blurb! I suspect that it won't be this Christmas, but perhaps the next. I'm hoping it will be like all those many many years that I asked for a pony. But what I eventually got, when I was ready, was a horse.
But, I'm working on it. And anyway...ponies bite.
Oh, sis, I do hope that Santa brings you everything you've asked for!! This post has brought tears to my eyes, leave it to you to want to take care of others...thank you so much for being YOU! Hmmmm, I have an idea....wonder if Santa would pick me up when he delivers gifts here and bring me to your place when he delivers gifts there???? hehe I am so glad you received my chocolates...were the cherry chocolates broken? I can't tell by the picture! lol That's the one thing I was worried about, a big mess! lol xoxo
Good afternoon Peggy, You are such a doll to wish all of us a special treat..Thanks for my wish and I pray your day is a blessed one..You are a treasured friend. Hugs, Baba
This is just the loveliest and most generous post. Thank you for my gift. I will truly try my hardest so your wish comes true for all those people.
PS Santa: Can you give Peggy anything her big heart desires?
Peggy, you are just the sweetest angel on earth. I am fortunate to know you--even in blogville. Merry Christmas my dear friend (and to all of yours). xoxo
Hi Peggy, Very creative post,, I think the gift you have chosen for me is Perfect Thank You.
I wish you aand your family a very Merry Christmas and a very prosperous new year,,
I love you darling one........
Thanks for remembering me.........
We are all blessed to know you dear friend.
God bless you and yours real good at Christmas and always.
I love you
What a dear sweet letter to Santa!!
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I don't know if your wish for me qualified as a prayer, BUT it worked. My frozen shed water line thawed out overnight surprisingly and I no longer have to haul water for the cattle beasts. "Praise the Lord!" is what I think I should say. Thanks Peggy for thinking of me.
I will admit I did not have time to read the above post, but THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SWEET CARD TODAY! I had quite a rough day and you brightened it so much! xoxoxo
it meant so much! come take a look-see xoxoxo :)
Oh, this was so sweet Peggy!!! Thanks so much for the Christmas card too. It's so precious with the goats on there! Yeah, gas and catfood. I sure can use those things all year long!!
I hope Santa is mighty good to you Peggy!!!
Oh Peggy you are just too sweet!! Isn't it wonderful to have electricity? :)
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