With holidays on a week day I keep thinking today is Monday. I planned my week only to realize I don't have a whole week since its already Wednesday! This year has only started and already going too fast. With Fran's stroke, hospital stay and home care I let some things slip around here. One of the things I didn't get done was having momma kitty fixed. She of course went catting around and now the proud mom of 5 kittens. I didn't fuss at her too much as it was my fault. They are very very cute and I am sure will be easy to find homes for them. I made a bed for momma kitty last week and showed it to her and told her to have her babies there. This morning she went to her bed and had her babies. And this time she is being a very devoted mom. I just need to be devoted on getting things done around here with momma kitty at the top of the list.
When putting Fran to bed tonight she stood up on her own weight before sitting on her bed. She held her head up straight most of the day today and was really tired and ready for bed when we got there.
We lucked up and found alfalfa for the goats. We are going after 34 bales tomorrow and that should carry us till spring along with the grain feed we give twice a day. The new goat shed is almost finished. It was 24F but Wayne kept right on building in the windy cold day.
I mailed out 2 soap orders today and delivered one order locally of 50 bars. Have 2 more big orders to get out and hopefully stock up my supply with my spring scents. Am behind in getting my shop revamped for spring.
We have had a fire in the stove all day and I have been so tempted to sit in the rocker, bake my feet and take a nap! I have William bagging and tagging soaps so guess I had better get back at it too.
Whatever day it is I hope yours was a great one! Have a blessed night and stay warm (or cool ) wherever you are.
Baby kitties!! Oh, I am glad that you live so far away from me. i am just a mess around baby kittens!! We do not want anymore after something happens to our Annie!! No more!! I am so thrilled about your having so many animals. I would love to do that but guess that will not be for us!! I can just sort of think about it through you!! smile.
I just recently refound your blog and read about Fran. Glad to hear shes doing better.
I too am forgetting what day it is all the time!Its frustrating.
The holidays always throw me off...
Today definitely felt like a Monday to me, too!
Congratulations on the new kitties!
Sounds like Mrs. Fran is making good progress!
Have a blessed Thursday!
Busy, busy, busy...that's what you are!
Happy New Year Peggy
Staying cool is high on the list at the moment!! LOL Would you like some of our spare heat??
Hearing about Ms Fran's progress is very heartwarming
I love baby kittys. The soap sounds and wonderful and God bless Ms. Fran.
Just popping in to catch up and wish you a Happy New Year!!! A tad on the chilly side this a.m. eh???
Hi Peggy,
We too have been mixed up on days lately.
So happy to hear about your soap sales.Hope '08 brings you a good yr.
So glad to hear the news on Ms. Fran.
Hope you have a blessed day.
Hi Peggy,
Those soaps are so pretty and smooth looking!! It's good that your soap business is doing well.
I've been mixed up on the days too. I kept thinking Wed. was Monday!! It will be Christmas again before I know what's happening!! lol
Glad Ms. Fran is showing improvement. I'm still praying for her strength to return.
I hope you have a little time for yourself today to sit by the fire and rest a while!
Don't ask me, I have no idea whatsoever what day of the week it is! lol I'm glad that momma kitty listened to you on where to have her babies! I just found out that my mom wants to get herself a cat so one day I'll have to bring her to the shelter to choose one. Ms Fran seems to be doing better every day which is so good to hear:-) You sure are a busy gal, sis, hope one day soon you can relax!!! xox
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