Grab your magazines, snacks, knitting or whatever helps you pass the time and join me in waiting. Sammi has been having contractions on and off all day. She has spent most of the day laying in her stall moaning. She has gotten up a few times and stood out in the sunshine but you can see her arching with each contraction. I am so hoping tonight or in the morning she delivers her babies! Going to go pace the floor and pray for girls! Doesn't she look like she is ready to pop!

Good Luck!!! Hope it all goes well!!! :)
Oh boy, it's that time again. I wouldn't be much help with deliveries but I could sure help keep you awake on the watch since I'm such a big talker! LOL I hope everything goes well for you.
Poor girl!!
I'm glad it's her and not me although I hate knowing she's in pain!!!
I remember when the pains started and you thought you couldn't take another minute but knew it was going to get much worse!!!
Praying for you and Sammi ~ Hoping for girls too. Loved your post about Bossy Toes and Brown Robyn ~ sooo cute.
Ms. Fran looked like the Valentine Queen with her heart boppers.
Oh Gosh. She does look like she will pop. Can't wait to see the new baby. I have begged my hubby for a goat since I met you and he said honey you live in town hehe.
She is so sprung! Bless her heart, she probably can hardly waddle around.
Good wishes for a successful kidding!
Just dropped in to the waiting room to see if anyone needs a coffee!!! nope!! ok! I'll go get mine and be back to sit awhile and wait! (smiles)
thinking of you all,
I love you darling one
Could be triplets. Exciting!!!
Did you take the prepared birthing classes? Some techniques may helf: effluage, effluage, effluage!!
I await the announcement of the births.
Yep- belly dropped, tail ligaments gone- thar she blows! Sammi is a nice looking girl-
My Nubian Lexie is due on the 13th- she has no ligaments, but her belly needs to drop and her udder to fill more- large and pretty tho' it is already.
WOW!! More babies..yeap you do need some girls..your goats keep having boys it seems. let us know about the delivery. Sandy
Any babies yet? I swear it hurts me every time I look at that picture of poor Sammi about to pop!! I so remember that feeling! LOL
Love and Hugs,
I cant wait to see her new babies, are you going to pick names like Valentine and Cupid?
I will be checking back to see the sweet little ones!
Hi Sis:-) I'm alive...barely...but alive! lol Hope you got the license plate number of that mac truck that ran over me!!! Oh boy, Sammi sure does look ready to pop in that picture...hopefully she had her babies today, will come back later to check if you left a new post. Really missing everybody!! xoxo
Hope everything goes well for Sammi, my goodness she does look like she's going to pop!
All I can say is... OWWWWEEE...that poor thing...It pains me just to look at her in those pictures! I am praying for an easy delivery, girls, girls, girls...and that she not have to wait much longer.
Thinking of you all...keep us posted...and please give her an extra bit of anything she likes...she deserves it!
It is nightfall on Wednesday 13th here in Oz. I do hope the babies are safely here.
Thinking of poor swollen Sammi. xx
Poor girls.
ohhh, no photo needed, these are GOOD! i still cant tell though....argh... maybe as it gets closer!
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