There is a family that is in need of some Christmas Angels. They have a son 11 years old and a daughter 10. Both parents work but have had some emergencies (fridge stopped working, problems with heating, glasses for both children, illness, medications not covered by insurance, death in the family,etc) that have taken their small savings and put them behind in other things. They are working on catching up their house payments, utilities and keeping food on the table. I know they are under a lot of stress and am hoping there are some of my blog neighbors that would like to be a Christmas Angel and send a gift to one of the children. It would put presents under the tree and would take a little burden off the parents. If you think you would like to be a Christmas Angel please email me and I will send you the children's sizes and the family address. Socks, underwear, a small toy or book, it doesn't matter how small the gift. The ideal is help 2 children have a happy Christmas and put a smile on our own face at the same time.
That's a nice and thoughtful idea.
Ok Peggy, I am here and send me a note with children and size. Do we just send the gifts early to the house so Mom can put away? I believe you have my email addy. If not, let me know and I"ll send you a message.
Awesome. I'm emailing you.
God bless you!
Sis, that is such a wonderful idea. I'm helping out that way for a family I know here, just knowing that they will have a better Christmas because of people who care, makes my heart smile:-) xoxo
What a great idea! I'd love to help out and send a gift:) Helping others this time of year warms my heart soooo much!
By the way, I almost have your stocking ready! It should be in the mail Monday:)
oh, my email is again: way2tiredmom78@hotmail.com
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