This morning I actually saw snow flurries. Just for a few minutes but a few snowflakes are better than no snowflakes. The temp was 39F and that is our high for the day. The temps are suppose to keep dropping and the winds are suppose to pick up. With the windchill factor its suppose to feel like 20F today. I love it!! A nice warm fire in the stove. The kettle singing along on top. All the animals all snuggled down in their fresh straw beds napping. Diva staying warm in her sweatshirt. All the goats grow a nice winter coat for winter except her. For some reason her hair stays short so I have always put sweatshirts on her. She seems to like them and the other goats don't try to eat them. I buy them at thriftstores but with being pregnant its getting kinda hard to find them big enough! Yes, around Hidden Haven we are enjoying the cold weather and hope it is here to stay awhile. I have a pot of homemade veggie soup simmering on the back of the stove. I filled my woodbox after morning chores so have plenty of firewood to keep the stove doing its job. I have a couple batches of soap to bag and tag and a batch of soap to pour. Have a couple of soap orders to take to the post office. Tons of paperwork and a desk to straighten up. Lots and lots to do to get ready for our family Christmas weekend that is 2 weeks away! I am also going through photos for a Hidden Haven calendar. My daughter works at Backhome Printing and gave me a awesome price for printing them so I want to get them together ASAP. Lots of things to keep me busy on this wonderfully cold day! Some of my blog friends are in need of our prayers and good thoughts. Some are having problems with their children, some are taking on the care of their parents, some are having medical problems, some are having financial problems, some are dealing with depression or broken heart. Some are facing big changes in their lives. Some are having to deal with loss of job. We all have problems in life but during the holiday season it just seems to make those problems grow. Lets pray for all our blog friends and whatever problem they may be facing today. Lets not say we will pray and then forget as we go about our day. Lets really really say a prayer that whatever our blog friends are dealing with that God will answer each need and they will know God is with them. If life never gave us problem then we would never need faith. Have a blessed day!
It's cold here, it's 19 degrees but feels like 6 degrees and we have pretty much snow on the ground here though. Prayers for all blogging friends. Amy
Brrrr...Good Morning Peggy, It's extremely windy in GA this a.m. and 32 degrees. Your morning sounds productive already and I am envious that you had a few flurries. You are right about each of us dealing with different issues and it's so important not to forget the needs, hurts and disappointments of others. God bless you as you go about your day.
The picture of the goat in a sweater made me laugh out loud. I've never seen such a sight!! You are such a good caretaker! Thank you for the reminder to pray for so many blogging friends. Have a wonderful day and stay warm! I love your blog background--it is so very festive!
That was a beautiful post Peggy. I love your spirit:)) Can you share your veggie soup recipe, I just want to know how to make the stock:) Diva looks cute in her sweater.
I have an award for you on my post:))
Such kind, warm thoughts - I wholeheartedly agree! Glad you are getting some delicious cold weather, and at least a flurry. Thats all we've really had down here in Southern NY. You really have to go to Northern NY to get real snow nowadays ... LOL!
I could look for some sweatshirts here if you would send me your address and the size you need.
Thank You Peggy:))
Snow, even in flurries sounds wonderful. I am so tired of endless blue skies. Your animals sound so wonderful. And making soap. I just love to read what you share. Thank you.
What a sweet cozy post. We have had two blizzards so far and I love the smell of our fireplace and free hot cocoa...Wonderful, especially when hubby and Joey are here. Well, gotta run, doctors appt. Have a blessed weekend!
Hi Peggy,
We are cold 20 this a.m. with flurries. 39 today.
I have a pot of chili on the stove will make cornbread later.
Thank you so much for your prayers! I agree if you're not going to pray don't say you will!
Hope you have a great wk.end!
It's downright frigid over here too! I had the stray mama and two kittens inside for about an hour tonight...they come in to eat now and then go sit in front of the fireplace! lol We had planned on trapping them and bringing them in to the SPCA where we brought the other 3 kittens but then found out they put down feral cats:-( I felt sick to my stomach when I heard that. There's this other place called Pet Save, they don't put down any animals but they're full up right now and we have to wait. Meanwhile, with the frigid temps, I'm taking pity on them and letting them come inside. I actually had the grey kitten playing with my fingers but the little black & white one is still very skittish and it's not long before he cries to be let out again. The mama lets me pet her back now:-)
You're so right, sis, so many of our blogging friends are going through rough times right now, they need all our prayers. xoxo
Hi Peggy, you are such a warm and kind-hearted woman!!I admire your spirit and giving of yourself to others..You deserve a crown of gold in heaven one day..God bless you and your family. Hugs, Baba
We never get snow... it's cold enough, but it just never happens in Arkansas.. by the way I love the music on your blog, and Emmy does too! lol
Have a great holiday..
Love, Jess
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