Just a reminder to mail your stocking out by December 5th. If you don't have a blog please email a photo when you receive your stocking so I can post it. If you have a blog please send me a link to your stocking post when you receive it. This year is going to be a great stocking swap, I can just feel it!! Noelle has received her stocking and enjoyed snow outside while she opened it, lucky girl!
I just popped over to find out what to do after the stocking was mailed and here is the answer on the first post :)
Thanks Peggy, for everything you do !
Much healing, strength and comfort for everyone in need !
Cute picture!
I mailed mine out yesterday so hopefully it won't take the long way around to reach my partner! lol xoxo
I keep ordering things for my partner and it's driving me insane that they haven't arrived yet. Just two more items to arrive and then mine is OFF to its intended recipient. Come on mail carriers- hurry UP. lol
Peggy, I received the patterns and soap today. What a wonderful surprise! I cannot thank you enough. I wrote a blog post about it that will appear tomorrow morning. The patterns are just lovely--I don't know how you parted with them! Your soap was a huge hit with everyone in the office. I must have given your Etsy address to 15 people this afternoon! I'll definitely be buying more soap. Thank you again!!
Should have mine ready to mail out this coming Monday! I've been busy and had a family emergency, which I'll post about tomorrow, but one of the bright spots has been working on my partners stocking.
Thanks Peggy for this fun project.
Keeping all in my prayers and sending Blessings.
Peggy , I hate I missed signing up for the stocking swap , but I guess it was meant to be. I actually sent an e-mail but it didn't go through , by the the time I checked my e-mail and realized it didn't go through , the swap sign-up was over. I guess it was for the best , since I'm so busy with the Grands , Parties and getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
~ Blessings ~
:( Next year I will do the stocking swap, I was already commited to Brendas swap:) Justin Is in Iowa and just sent me a picture of all the snow:( I get so jealous. He is delivering a 5 split load, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, maine and Im not sure the last state. Have a nice weekend:)
I love the "Happpy Birthday Jesus" song, I need to find that cd. He is going to Releigh, NC. But thanks for the invite, that's very sweet of you. One day I will be on that truck with him again and it's nice to know I will have friends across the states:) Good luck with the mommy goat, is it Diva?
He has three stops in Maryland not Maine, the snow is slowing him down and he probably wont meet his deadlines. That means no miles turned in no payday:(
ThankYou, I wll let him know:))
Your stocking is all ready to go!! I'll post a sneak peek pic tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am so happy I found my way to yours. Bo from Blinks n Winks... sent me to you when she saw my goat post. I would LOVE to bottle feed your baby goat!If you feel someone hovering around your farm, it's me making virtual visits! lol I hope you'll post pics of the new kid! Love the outfits, by the way, and Diva with her sweatshirts. Is she the one in labor? Thanks for sharing your goats, since my HOA doesn't allow them...Debbie
Hi, Peggy! Santa and I are having a great time filling this BIG stocking I made for my swap partner. It's going right straight into the sleigh as soon as we find all the goodies we've planned to put in. Just a couple more to go, and it's off.
Thanks for this swap! I've enjoyed meeting my swap partner, Kristie, and am just having the best time filling a stocking for that smart, creative woman!
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