Kuma goes to the back door and just sits and looks out when she wants to go outside. She doesn't bark or whine. Just sits and looks till I get the leash and then she gets all excited.She knows if I get the leash we are going to walk down the long driveway and she loves that walk!
I built a temporary fence and moved Precious, her brother and Mandy. They were in a small pen but now have lots of room to explore. Mandy and Precious brother will be going back to their home soon and a boyfriend for Precious will be arriving.
Its not quite as hot today so I am getting lots of things done outside. Will post pictures of flower beds, fences, flag poles etc. later. Hope you are having a very blessed day!
We've got a little cooler weather also, Peggy. Just a few degrees cooler and less humidity really helps, doesn't it???
I found out today that I have Bluebird babies in our nestbox. I have been so out-of-it the past month that I hadn't realized that they were nesting. I'm SO happy...
Congrats on your Bluebird eggs... You can watch their progress. Bluebirds are such nice birds.
Have a wonderful day.
Rusty and Kuma are so cute. I love those sweet faces.
Extremely hot here and wind. The wind as been something this year. Still all in all the plants love the heat.
So cute about the dog sitting at the door. Block the door and give the sad eyes...
Hope you are doing well.
Nice pictures!
Love your header pic.
Our weather is a little cooler got lots of outside work done.
Hope you have a great day!
The blue bird eggs are just beautiful. I have always just loved to look at bird nest to see what all they used to weave and build it with.
It is hot down here. But it doesn't seem quite as humid today. I am getting ready to put more green beans on to cook before canning them.
Hope your gardening is going well today.
Have a great day.
Those eggs are so pretty!
I love your dogs...reminds me of mine when I sit at the computer. They look at me as if to say, "Hey..you should be taking us for a hike, not working on the computer!" It makes me feel guilty!
those little eggs made me smile, that is so neat to see and know that little ones will be coming out of them soon. The dogs look happy and I am sure that Precious will love her new bf :o)
Have a wonderful day
Peggy, I did not realize you were still posting over here. I was getting ready to post an I Miss You post on the other blog. Hope all is well. I will read through here and try to catch up.
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