Can't wait to see the eggs hatch! The New Zeland rabbit Prissy had 3 babies a couple of days ago. They are so fat!
Mandy and Precious have been sad and crying today. Precious brother went to his new home. Mandy didn't like having her son taken away and keeps looking for him. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for them.
This morning when I went out to feed I found one of Crackers baby ducklings in the pool. It was barely swimming. Evidently he had been in there a long time and was so tired he almost drown. I took him out, dried him off and put him under a heat lamp for a couple of hours. He is back with his mom and brother and even back to swimming. There is now a big rock in the edge of the pool for him to climb on if he gets tired. He gets in and out of the pool by the brick steps we have in and outside the edge of the pool with no problem. I don't know why he didn't use them this morning. Just happy I found the little stinker in time. William left the gate open this morning and the goats got out. I hadn't fed them yet so shaking their feed bucket brought them right back. It was just one of those mornings where everything seemed to go wrong and time got away too quickly. But things happen for a reason and its a blessing being able to have animals to care for. Kuma and Rusty have been pouting the last few days as I haven't spent a lot of time petting and loving on them. It has been so hot and humid they don't want to go outside except to do their business and come back inside. Since I am outside most all day they aren't happy with me. I have 2 big soap orders to make and get out. I hope to start on those Monday. A friend froze some goat milk for me and will give me more until I start getting my own goat milk. God keeps opening doors for me and I am very happy. I just wish he could slow time down just a little so I could get everything done. Megan is doing wonderfully. She is working parttime so she can go back to college and have more time with her children. She says thank you so much for your prayers. Please keep Maggie, my oldest daughter in your prayers. She has some very, very stressful things workwise to deal with and not sure what she should do. They are also trying to adopt a child. You would think after tons of paperwork, background checks, physicals, home studies, etc it would be easy to adopt an older child. There are so many children waiting for homes and so many parents waiting for children, yet it takes months and sometimes years before they will place them together. I tell her it will all work out, just keep the faith and stay strong. I hope you have a blessed weekend and get everything on your list marked off!
Hey Busy Lady..... I know you are terribly busy and your list just keeps getting longer---but you sound so happy now. I'm glad that you are where you want to be... I'm glad all of those critters have you to take care of them!!!!
We've had rain every day this week... George can't even get the lawn mowed.... Oh Well!!!
Have a wonderful weekend, Peggy, and do take a minute to BREATHE and RELAX...
Bless your heart, you get more done in one day than I do in a week. I just love your stories about your critters. You are such a loving caretaker to them. I wish I lived close, I'd come over and help you get the yard ready for the birthday party.
Have a great weekend.
I'm ready to take a nap just reading all that you have been up to, don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
Time does fly these days!
Praying here! I dont understand the adoption rules either!
Enjoyed the pics.and news:o)
Have agreat wk.end!
Blessins' xoxox Lib
I wish I had your energy.
Time does seem to be travelling at a high rate of speed these days. My lists never get finished , only added to each day. Glad you got to the baby duckling in time. Your goats are " Darling " , spoiling them I bet.
Will add Maggie to my Prayer list , hope everything works out well for her.
~ Be Blessed ~
Oh yes, indeed, the days do seem to have less hours in them as we get older! lol It's been so gorgeous outside lately, I've been spending most of my time out there and when I come in I can't get over the time.
Sounds like you've been busy as usual but you also sound so happy to be back where you belong:-) My goodness, it's a good thing you did see that little duckling in the pool when you did.
So glad to hear that Megan is doing so well after what she went through!! My prayers are with Maggie, I do hope her stress at work can be relieved soon. The very best of luck to them as well on the you say, there are so many children needing to be adopted and yet all the red tape can take years, it's ridiculous.
Love you sis. xoxox
I just love reading all the happiness that shines through your words.
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