Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

It's only about 5 inches but this snowfall is beautiful. This morning about 4:30AM I woke up to hear Tinker barking like something was really wrong in the goat lot. Got William to go out and check only to find that Tinker didn't know what to think of her first snowfall so was barking at it. Once she found out it was okay she went crazy playing and running around in it. The goats and pigs could have cared less about the snow, The chickens refused to come out in it so I fed them inside. The rabbits loved it. Rusty decided it was too cold on his feet and had to be carried to a dry spot to do his business. Kuma enjoyed going outside for a few minutes but was ready to go back to her nap on the sofa real quick. It was so peaceful and quiet as I fed this morning and afternoon. The birds were going crazy around the birdfeeders. I had filled them yesterday but will have to refill them again tomorrow. We are under another winter storm warning tonight from midnight until noon tomorrow. All I can say is bring it on! The more snow the better. No pictures as I have just been enjoying the day but will take and post some tomorrow. We have our grandson Harvey spending a couple weeks with us. He is 3 years old so am sure I am going to be kept on my toes. Hope each of you are having a very blessed evening. Stay warm and just enjoy the beauty of the night.


Granny said...

When I heard that your area was having snow I knew you'd be happy. I don't mind it unless I have to drive in it.

A three year old will be a lot of company, that's for sure. Bet he will love the animals.

Anonymous said...

I bet you are enjoying the wood stove tonight and a cup of cider or tea. I noticed early this am when I was taking pics outside how very quiet and still it was. Enjoy your little visitor and give those pets a hug from me.

Lib said...

Happy to hear you have YOUR SNOW:O)
It's snowed here all day.
Enjoy your 3 yr. old and the snow:o)
Hope you have a great week!

Helen said...

We got some snow Christmas day but not nearly as much as you did. Enjoy your grandson for a few days.

Christmas-etc... said...

Dear Peggy,
I so enjoyed reading about how your dear animals felt about the snow!! What fun it is to see the excitement in their eyes! And now your three year old grandson is with you!~ You are in for some really fun days!!
many blessings!

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I am glad you got some real snow. I know how much you yearn for snow from time to time. It myst be interesting to watch the animal's reactions to it.

Have you laid down and made a snow angel yet?

Good luck with the young one. Your house does not seem child proofed so I am sure he will keep you on your toes.

You may end up using a dog crate as a time out cage :)

amelia said...

I'm betting you won't have much much time to blog!!

Love the snow too!

DayPhoto said...

YEAH for YOU! Our snow in your backyard and NOT ours! We are both gifted!

By the way we had our Christmas Treasure Hunt and it was a HUGE success! Thank you, Thank You, so much for the wonderful fun.


Thistle Cove Farm said...

The only thing better than snow is having it snow and I'm at home, on the farm! I love the snow and all the cozy it brings to hand. I think y'all got a little more than did we, in Richmond, but snow is still snow and I love it all.

JoyceAnn said...

It started snowing Christmas night here , so I think we can call it a White Christmas. Have fun with your grandson , Little Froggy is back with me today. Hope to get outside and play in the snow some if he feels like it.

~ Many Blessings ~

Barbara said...

Oh my how do you stand it, I would freeze to death for sure, stay warm there and hugs Barbara

Kelly said...

I'm so happy that you had snow. It just makes Christmas look right.